Natural Selenite Crystals, Split Selenite & Selenite Mineral Specimens (including Satin Spar Selenite Mineral Specimens)
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Selenite Mineral Specimens and Crystals

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7.4 inch Natural Selenite Crystal

This unique item is sold.
Code: selm178
7.4" long x 2.3" x 1.3"
Mined at Chihuahua, Mexico
Price: $46.50
This 7.4 inch long selenite crystal has completely natural surfaces. This natural selenite crystal has very good internal transparency with some encrusted surface areas. This selenite crystal also exhibits swallowtail twinning, visible in the right side of the photo as the V-shaped features at the base of the crystal.

10 inch Natural Selenite Crystal

This unique item is sold.
Code: selm180
10" long x 2.2" x 0.9"
Mined at Chihuahua, Mexico
Price: $98.50
This 10 inch long selenite crystal has completely natural surfaces. It is transparent in the upper half and slightly bent in the middle, and it is semi-transparent in the lower half with some encrusted surface areas.

21.4 inch Natural Selenite Crystal

This unique item is sold.
Code: selm140
22" long x 3.7" x 3.5"
(55.9cm x 9.4cm x 8.9cm)
Mined at Zhenzhou, Henan Province, China
Price: $246.50
This 22 inch long selenite crystal has completely natural surfaces. It was mined in the Henan Province of China. It has superb transparency throughout its length. There is some snowy selenite still attached at its base.

Selenite Rose Formation

This unique item is sold.
Code: selm131
3.75" long x 3.4" x 2.8"
(9.5cm x 8.6cm x 7.1cm)
Mined in Algeria
Price: $16.50
This natural selenite rose formation consists of intergrown blade-like selenite crystals.

7.8 inch Satin Spar Selenite

Code: selm184
7.8" long x 1.7" x 1.2"
Mined in Morocco
Price: $18.95
This split satin spar selenite measures 7.8 inches long and has beautiful silky luster or sheen along its surfaces. It is semi-transparent and transmits light from one end to the other.

19 inch Satin Spar Selenite

Code: selm182
19" long x 1" x 0.7"
Mined in Morocco
Price: $31.95
This unique specimen of split satin spar selenite measures 19 inches long and has beautiful silky luster or sheen along its surfaces. It is transparent and transmits light from one end to the other.

16 inch Satin Spar Selenite

Code: selm185
16" long x 2.5" x 1.2"
Mined in Morocco
Price: $34.95
This split satin spar selenite measures 16 inches long and has beautiful silky luster or sheen along its surfaces. It is transparent and transmits light from one end to the other.

20 inch Satin Spar Selenite

Code: selm183
20" long x 1.3" x 1.2"
Mined in Morocco
Price: $36.95
This unique specimen of split satin spar selenite measures 20 inches long and has beautiful silky luster or sheen along its surfaces. It is transparent and transmits light from one end to the other.

Large Satin Spar Selenite

Code: selm186
8.1 Lbs
17.7" long x 3.1" x 2.6"
Mined in Morocco
Price: $114.50
This split satin spar selenite has beautiful silky luster or sheen along its surfaces. It is semi-transparent and transmits light from one end to the other.

Large Satin Spar Selenite Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: selm187
17.3 Lbs
14.5" tall x 6" x 5"
Mined in Morocco
Price: $184.50
This split satin spar selenite specimen stands up 14.5 inches tall, and it has a very beautiful silky luster or sheen along its surfaces. It is semi-transparent and transmits light from one end to the other. This specimen was base-sawn so that it stands up as shown, and it was also core drilled inside the bottom (see bottom view), so that a light could be inserted into the base of this selenite specimen to make it "glow" in a dark room!

Satin Spar Selenite Specimens

Code: selm181
Available in several sizes - please see below
Mined in Morocco
These split satin spar selenite specimens have beautiful silky luster or sheen along their surfaces. They are semi-transparent and they transmit light from one end to the other! We have these natural raw selenites available in several sizes - please see below to order.
3.75 inch Selenites

Code: selm181a
Price: $5.95

4.75 inch Selenites

Code: selm181e
Price: $7.95

5.75 inch Selenites

Code: selm181h
Price: $9.95

7.75 inch Selenites

Code: selm181i
Price: $12.95


Each of our Selenite Mineral Specimens & Crystals is a Real Selenite that Crystallized Naturally Inside The Earth!

Be sure to see our selection of small size raw selenite specimens displayed further up this page!
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Last Updated: November 7th, 2023
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