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Select any mineral name in this alphabetical index to see scientific mineral information including physical properties, occurance, uses, history and metaphysical properties.
You can also view images of our available items for each mineral (Crystals, Gemstones, Mineral Specimens, Lapidary & Facet Rough, Spheres, Jewelry & other Handcrafted Gifts) all with professional descriptions, prices and secure online ordering (SSL Encryption).
See also a selection of some of our larger Decorator Mineral Specimens and Crystals.
Simply scroll down our alphabetical mineral index using the "down-arrow" at the lower right, or you may select any first letter of a mineral name:
You can also use our inventory "search" to find gem & mineral products. Gift Certificates: a great gift idea when you are not sure what to give...
To see our
entire on-line inventory of a particular kind of item for all
just select the group title (SPHERES,
listed below.
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Would you like us to inform you when we add more gem and mineral items on our website?
We have over 150 tons of gem & mineral items in stock at our mineral warehouses including large decorator mineral specimens, so
be sure to let us know if you have any
special requests.
Please contact our 'site' geologist with any other questions or comments.