Goshenite Mineral Specimens and Crystals (colorless beryl)
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Goshenite Mineral Specimens & Goshenite Crystals
(colorless beryl specimens)

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Natural Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm137
This natural goshenite specimen weighs 32.93 carats
1.2" long x 0.8" x 0.5"
(31mm x 21mm x 14mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $32.93
This natural colorless goshenite specimen is transparent with all natural surfaces. It is terminated on most surfaces by naturally etched terminations.

Natural Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm135
This natural goshenite specimen weighs 36.22 carats
0.9" long x 0.8" x 0.6"
(23mm x 21mm x 17mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $36.22
This natural colorless goshenite specimen is transparent with all natural surfaces. It is terminated on most surfaces by naturally etched terminations with beautiful vitreous luster.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm136
Natural color goshenite specimen weighing 36.45 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 1.5" long x 0.5" x 0.5"
(38mm x 13mm x 13mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $47.38
This goshenite specimen is naturally terminated on all surfaces by etched natural terminations with beautiful vitreous luster. This superior grade specimen has etched surface cavities and open chambers that pass all the way thru, and it is transparent with small facet-grade areas!

Naturally Terminated Goshenite Crystal

Code: gosm142
Natural color goshenite crystal weighing 9.03 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 0.9" long x 0.3" x 0.25"
(22.5mm x 7mm x 6mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $54.18
This small transparent goshenite crystal is naturally terminated with prismatic faces and terminations in excellent condition.

Natural Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm141
Natural color goshenite specimen weighing 70.53 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 1.4" long x 0.8" x 0.5"
(35mm x 20mm x 14mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $63.48
This transparent goshenite specimen is a partially terminated crystal section with some naturally etched surfaces showing vitreous luster.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm138
Natural color goshenite specimen weighing 55.99 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 1.3" long x 0.95" x 0.6"
(32mm x 24mm x 16mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $67.19
This goshenite specimen is naturally terminated on all surfaces by etched natural terminations with beautiful vitreous luster. This superior grade specimen has etched surface cavities and open chambers, and it is transparent with facet-grade areas inside!

Raw Goshenite Specimen, 139.2 carats

Code: gosm143
Natural color goshenite specimen weighing 139.12 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 2" long x 1.5" x 0.6"
(52mm x 37mm x 15mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $83.47
This raw goshenite specimen is semi-transparent to transparent with some small gem grade areas.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Crystal

Code: gosm139
Natural color goshenite crystal weighing 108.99 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 1.75" long x 1.3" x 0.8"
(44.5mm x 33mm x 20mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $92.64
This goshenite crystal is naturally terminated on all surfaces by etched natural terminations with vitreous luster. The photo at left shows a close up of some of the naturally etched surfaces. See also a full view of this naturally etched goshenite crystal. This natural goshenite specimen is semi-transparent to transparent.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm132
This genuine goshenite crystal weighs 101.9 carats
Goshenite Specimen Dimensions: 1.4" long x 1" x 0.8"
(36mm x 32mm x 18mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $101.90
This natural raw colorless goshenite specimen is terminated on most surfaces by etched terminations with beautiful vitreous luster. It has etched surface cavities, and it is transparent with small gem-grade areas inside.

Raw Goshenite Specimen

Code: gosm144
Natural color goshenite specimen weighing 212.67 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 2.2" x 2" x 0.6"
(55mm x 51mm x 16mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $159.50
This raw goshenite specimen has some natural etched terminations along its sides. The photo at left shows a close up of some of these naturally etched surfaces. See also a full front view of this raw goshenite specimen. This natural goshenite specimen is semi-transparent to transparent.

Naturally Etched Beryl Specimen

Code: gosm134
This genuine beryl crystal weighs 160.7 carats
Beryl Specimen Dimensions: 1.8" long x 1.1" x 0.8"
(46mm x 29mm x 21mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $192.84
This natural raw beryl mineral specimen is almost colorless with very pale green natural color. It is terminated on most surfaces by natural etched terminations showing beautiful vitreous luster. It has etched surface cavities, and it is transparent with small gem-grade areas inside. See also another view of this natural beryl crystal.

Naturally Etched Goshenite Crystal

Code: gosm140
Natural color goshenite crystal weighing 149.80 carats
Goshenite Dimensions: 1.7" long x 1.3" x 0.9"
(43mm x 33mm x 22mm)
Mined in 2005 in Brazil
Price: $187.25
This goshenite crystal is naturally terminated on all surfaces by etched natural terminations with vitreous luster. See also another view of this naturally etched goshenite specimen. This natural goshenite specimen is transparent with some gem grade areas inside.

Large Cat's Eye Goshenite Specimen (1137 carats)

Code: gosm118
Cat's eye goshenite specimen weighs 1137 carats (227.4 grams)
Goshenite Dimensions: 3.5" long x 2.8" x 2.2"
(89mm x 55mm x 72mm)
Mined in Brazil
Price: $409.32
This natural raw goshenite specimen is terminated on most surfaces by etched terminations with some broken surfaces. This rare goshenite specimen also has large pure areas with cat's-eye chatoyancy! It would yield over 100 carats of cat's eye goshenite gemstones. See also a back-view photo, and a close-up photo showing a small transparent area along one edge.

Morganite Specimen

Code: morm173
Natural color morganite rough specimen weighing 240 carats (48.0 gr)
Morganite Specimen Dimensions: 1.9" x 1.6" x 0.8"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $44.50
This natural color morganite specimen has very pale pink color at one end and it grades into colorless goshenite at the other end as shown. It is semi-transparent to transparent.

Our Goshenite (Colorless Beryl) Mineral Specimens and Crystals are all 100% Natural Color - Unheated and Untreated!

Goshenite is the colorless variety of the mineral beryl. Other beryl mineral varieties are; aquamarine, bixbite (aka red beryl), emerald, golden beryl, heliodor and morganite. Each of the beryl mineral varieties has a different color.

Aquamarine Specimens: natural aquamarine decorator mineral specimens Aquamarine Crystals: natural aquamarine crystals

See also our natural Natural Aquamarine Crystals, and our natural morganite mineral specimens.

Our natural Aquamarine Jewelry items include: Aquamarine Pendants, Aquamarine Rings, Aquamarine Bracelets, Aquamarine Necklaces and Aquamarine Earrings.

Our Goshenite Mineral Specimens are displayed further up this page.

See our selection of goshenite gemstones

Be sure to also see our handcrafted goshenite jewelry items including goshenite 14k gold pendants and goshenite necklaces.

Morganite Mineral Specimen

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(Colorless Beryl)
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Goshenite Crystals

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Last Updated: November 19, 2024
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