Aquamarine Mineral Specimens Beryl Mineral Specimens: Natural Aquamarine Mineral Specimens and Crystals

We specialize in natural color aquamarine - just as it was found in the earth!

Genuine Aquamarine Items & other Natural Mineral Specimens in our Virtual Gallery

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Aquamarine Crystals in Matrix and Aquamarine Mineral Specimens

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Aquamarine Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum574
This aquamarine specimen measures 2.4" x 1" x 0.9"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $28.95
This raw aquamarine mineral specimen is translucent with greenish blue natural color. This is a natural aquamarine specimen - it is exactly how it was found within the earth!

Aquamarine Rough Specimen

Code: aqum539
This aquamarine specimen measures 2.4" x 1.6" x 1.1"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $31.50
This aquamarine rough specimen is translucent with blue natural color. This is a natural aquamarine - it is exactly how it was found within the earth!

Aquamarine Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum540
This aquamarine specimen measures 2.9" x 2.5" x 1.4"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $52.50
This aquamarine rough specimen is translucent with light blue-green natural color. This natural aquamarine specimen has some partially terminated surfaces.

Aquamarine Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum528
This aquamarine specimen measures 3.1" x 2.3" x 1.8"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $54.50
This aquamarine rough specimen is translucent with natural greenish-blue color. This is a natural aquamarine mineral specimen with some naturally terminated surfaces - it is exactly how it was found within the earth.

Aquamarine Crystal Section, 1178.5 carats

Code: aqum417_aquamarine-crystal-specimen
Natural aquamarine specimen weighing 1178.5 carats (235.7 grams)
Aquamarine crystal section dimensions: 3" long x 1.9" x 1.7"
Discovered in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $54.50
This natural aquamarine crystal section is translucent to semi-transparent. It has hexagonal form with pale greenish natural color.

Aquamarine Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum542_aquamarine-mineral-specimen
Aquamarine Dimensions: 3.5" long x 2.1" x 1.7"
Discovered in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $94.50
This raw aquamarine mineral specimen is translucent with natural greenish blue color. This is a natural aquamarine - it is exactly how it was found within the earth! It is an aquamarine rough specimen with some naturally terminated surfaces. See also an opposite side view of this aquamarine mineral specimen.

Aquamarine Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum521_aquamarine-mineral-specimen
Natural aquamarine specimen weighs 1.1 pounds
Aquamarine Dimensions: 3.5" long x 3" x 3"
Discovered in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $102.25 (regular price: $134.50)
This raw aquamarine mineral specimen is translucent with pale blue-green natural color. This is a natural aquamarine - it is exactly how it was found within the earth! See an opposite side view of this natural raw aquamarine mineral specimen.

Aquamarine Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum530_aquamarine-mineral-specimen
Natural aquamarine specimen weighs 0.9 pounds
Aquamarine Dimensions: 4.8" long x 2.5" x 2.4"
Discovered in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $108.25 (regular price: $138.50)
This raw aquamarine mineral specimen is translucent with greenish blue natural color. This is a natural aquamarine mineral specimen with some naturally terminated surfaces - it is exactly how it was found within the earth.

5.3 inch Aquamarine Crystal Specimen

Code: aqum531_aquamarine-mineral-specimen
Aquamarine Dimensions: 5.3" long x 3" x 1.4"
Discovered in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $132.25 (regular price: $168.50)
This aquamarine mineral specimen is a partially terminated aquamarine crystal that is translucent to semi-transparent with greenish blue natural color. It has a relatively thin flat shape with terminations on all sides. This is a natural aquamarine crystal specimen - it is exactly how it was found within the earth.

Aquamarine Specimen

Code: aqum532
This natural aquamarine rough specimen weighs 1.7 Lbs
Aquamarine specimen dimensions: 4.7" x 3.8" x 2.7"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $154.25 (regular price: $188.50)
This aquamarine rough specimen is translucent with beautiful light blue natural color. It is an aquamarine crystal section with some terminated surfaces. See also an opposite side view of this natural aquamarine mineral specimen.

5.2 inch long Natural Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum321_aquamarine-crystal
Genuine aquamarine crystal weighing 3630 carats (726 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 5.1" x 2.5" x 2"
This aquamarine crystal section was mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $218.95 (regular price: $345.)
This natural aquamarine crystal section weighs 1.6 pounds and measures 5.2 inches long. It is translucent to semi-transparent with a small amount of black tourmaline and muscovite mica on some surfaces.

Natural Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum421_aquamarine-crystal
Genuine aquamarine crystal weighing 3750 carats (750 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 5.4" x 2.3" x 2"
This aquamarine crystal section was mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $245.00 (regular price: $375.)
This natural aquamarine crystal has hexagonal prismatic form. It weighs 1.65 pounds and measures 5.4 inches long. It is translucent to semi-transparent with a small amount of muscovite mica on some surfaces. See a full view image of this natural aquamarine crystal.

5 pound Aquamarine Crystal Specimen!

Code: aqum456_aquamarine-crystal-specimen
Natural aquamarine crystal specimen weighing 5.0 lbs
Aquamarine Crystal Size: 4.7" long x 4.7" x 4"
Discovered in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $331.25 (regular price: $495.)
This natural aquamarine crystal weighs 5 pounds! It is a crystal section with good hexagonal form and natural prismatic faces on all sides. This unique aquamarine decorator crystal has light greenish blue natural color. It is mostly translucent with some semi-transparent areas. See another view of this natural aquamarine crystal. See also a different side view of this large aquamarine crystal.

Aquamarine Decorator Specimen

Code: aqum561
Natural color aquamarine specimen weighing 3.7 pounds (8400 carats!)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 5.4" x 4.2" x 4"
Discovered at Marambaia, Brazil
Price: $528.50
This large aquamarine decorator specimen is completely natural - it is exactly how it came out of the earth. There is a small amount of shiny muscovite mica on one surface as shown at left. There is some albite feldspar intergrown with the aquamarine on another surface. See a view showing the albite in this natural aquamarine mineral specimen. See also an additional view of this unique aquamarine mineral specimen. This beautiful aquamarine is translucent with natural blue-green color.

Aquamarine Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum554
This natural aquamarine rough specimen weighs 4.2 Lbs
Aquamarine mineral specimen dimensions: 8.1" x 4" x 3.6"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $395.00 (regular price: $528.50)
This unique aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent with natural greenish blue color. It is completely natural - exactly how it was discovered inside the earth. There is a small amount of shiny muscovite mica on one surface of this raw aquamarine specimen. See also an opposite side view of this natural aquamarine decorator mineral specimen.

Aquamarine Decorator Specimen

Code: aqum484
This natural aquamarine rough weighs 5.2 Lbs
Beryl Specimen Dimensions: 7.5" x 6.2" x 3"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $441.25 (regular price: $565.)
This natural aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent with light greenish blue natural color. Aquamarine is the blue green variety of the mineral beryl. This raw beryl mineral specimen is unheated and untreated - just as it was found in the earth. The surfaces are all natural, some are rough and some show prismatic faces. See an opposite side view of this natural color aquamarine decorator specimen. See also an additional view of this unique aquamarine decorator specimen.

Large Aquamarine Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum562
This natural color aquamarine specimen weighs 11.1 Lbs
This aquamarine specimen measures 11" x 6" x 4.5"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $945.00 (regular price: $1250.)
This large aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent to semi-transparent with blue-green natural color. It is an aquamarine crystal section with some surfaces showing prismatic terminations. There is a small amount of muscovite mica and feldspar on some surfaces. See an opposite side view of this unique large aquamarine decorator specimen.

Aquamarine Decorator Mineral Specimen, 9.9 Lbs

Code: aqum475
This natural color aquamarine specimen weighs 9.9 Lbs
This aquamarine specimen measures 10" x 6" x 5"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $1110.00 (regular price: $1375.)
This beautiful aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent to semi-transparent with greenish blue natural color. It is an aquamarine crystal section with some surfaces showing prismatic terminations. See an opposite side view of this natural color aquamarine decorator specimen. See also a side view of this wonderful aquamarine decorator mineral specimen.

21.1 pound Aquamarine Decorator Specimen!

Code: aqum412
Natural color aquamarine specimen weighing 21.1 pounds (47,950 carats!)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 11.5" x 11" x 6.2"
Discovered in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $1485.00 (regular price: $1895.)
This large aquamarine decorator specimen is completely natural - it is exactly how it came out of the earth. There is a small amount of shiny muscovite mica on some surfaces. See an end view of this natural large aquamarine mineral specimen. This unique specimen is an aquamarine crystal section with some terminated surfaces and a sheared back side. See a backside view of this large aquamarine mineral specimen. The aquamarine is mostly translucent with some small semi-transparent areas. This beautiful decorator specimen of natural aquamarine has blue-green natural color.

Large Aquamarine Decorator Crystal, 80.6 Lbs!

Code: aqum510
Natural color aquamarine weighing 80.6 pounds
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 18" long x 11" x 9"
Discovered at Marambaia, Brazil
Price: $6450.00
This large aquamarine decorator crystal is completely natural - it is exactly how it came out of the earth! There is some shiny muscovite mica in some areas. This unique specimen is a large aquamarine crystal section with natural prismatic faces on all sides. See an additional view of this amazing large aquamarine decorator crystal. This unique specimen is translucent with some semi-transparent areas. See a side view of this large aquamarine decorator specimen. See also an opposite side view of this large aquamarine decorator mineral specimen. See also a back view of this large aquamarine decorator specimen. This wonderful decorator specimen of natural aquamarine has greenish blue natural color.

Yellow-Green Beryl Crystal, 316.5 Carats

Code: aqum497
Natural yellow beryl crystal weighs 316.5 carats
Yellow-Green Heliodor Dimensions: 1.5" x 1.4" x 1.2"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $126.60
This lapidary grade raw beryl mineral specimen is a partially terminated natural crystal section with hexagonal form that is semi-transparent with yellow-green natural color. Yellow green beryl beryl is sometimes called green aquamarine, and it is also known as heliodor. This semi-transparent heliodor specimen would yield a couple of cabochons measuring 30x25mm. See an opposite side view of this natural color yellow-green beryl crystal. See also an end view of this natural color yellow green aquamarine crystal.

Aquamarine Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum543
This natural aquamarine rough specimen weighs 1.3 Lbs
Aquamarine specimen dimensions: 3.8" x 3.5" x 2"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $182.25 (regular price: $228.50)
This aquamarine rough specimen is translucent with natural blue color. It is an aquamarine crystal section with naturally terminated surfaces on its sides. See also a side view of this aquamarine mineral specimen.

Aquamarine Decorator Specimen

Code: aqum553
This natural aquamarine rough specimen weighs 3.4 Lbs
Aquamarine mineral specimen dimensions: 6.2" x 3.8" x 3.7"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $361.25 (regular price: $475.)
This unique aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent with natural greenish blue color. It is completely natural - exactly how it was discovered within the earth! There is a small amount of shiny muscovite mica on one surface as shown at left. See another view of this natural aquamarine decorator mineral specimen. This beautiful specimen also stands up in an upright position. See an upright view of this one-of-a-kind aquamarine decorator mineral specimen.

Aquamarine Decorator Specimen

Code: aqum544
This natural aquamarine rough specimen weighs 3.6 Lbs
Aquamarine specimen dimensions: 4.8" x 4.3" x 3.5"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $361.25 (regular price: $505.)
This beautiful aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent with natural blue color. It is an aquamarine crystal section with some naturally terminated surfaces. On the opposite side there are small shiny muscovite flakes on the aquamarine's surface. See also an opposite side view of this aquamarine decorator specimen.

Aquamarine Decorator Specimen

Code: aqum449
This natural aquamarine rough weighs 3.7 Lbs
This aquamarine specimen measures 7" x 4.7" x 2.3"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $395.00 (regular price: $518.50)
This beautiful aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent to semi-transparent with natural greenish blue color.

Aquamarine Decorator Specimen

Code: aqum535
This natural aquamarine rough weighs 5.1 Lbs
Beryl Specimen Dimensions: 6.5" x 4.2" x 4.0"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $545.00 (regular price: $695.)
This natural color aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent with beautiful greenish blue color. This natural aquamarine specimen is unheated and untreated - just as it was found in the earth! It is an aquamarine crystal section with all natural surfaces, some are rough and some show prismatic faces. See an opposite side view of this natural color aquamarine decorator specimen.

Aquamarine Decorator Specimen

Code: aqum509
This natural aquamarine rough weighs 5.6 Lbs
Beryl Specimen Dimensions: 7" x 4.7" x 4.5"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $545.00 (regular price: $695.)
This natural aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent to semi-transparent with small gem-grade areas! It has greenish blue natural color. This natural aquamarine specimen is unheated and untreated - just as it was found in the earth. The surfaces are all natural, some are rough and some show prismatic faces. There is some pink-orange microcline feldspar on the opposite side. See an opposite side view of this natural color aquamarine decorator mineral specimen.

Aquamarine Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: aqum555
This natural aquamarine rough weighs 7.6 Lbs
Beryl Specimen Dimensions: 8.2" x 5.3" x 4.5"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $825.00 (regular price: $1115.)
This natural aquamarine decorator specimen is translucent to semi-transparent with some small transparent areas. It has greenish blue natural color. This natural aquamarine specimen is unheated and untreated - just as it was found in the earth. The surfaces are all natural, some are rough and some show prismatic faces. See an opposite side view of this natural aquamarine decorator mineral specimen.

Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum491
Natural aquamarine crystal weighs 32.5 carats (6.50 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 0.85" x 0.6" x 0.4"
This natural aquamarine crystal was discovered in the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $71.50 (regular price: $107.25)
This small aquamarine crystal has very pale (almost colorless) blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is clear with faintly visible natural inclusions in the upper part and becomes semi-transparent towards its base. It is a nice specimen of gem-grade aquamarine just as it is, although it would also yield a cabochon weighing 15 carats. See an opposite side view of this aquamarine crystal. See also another view of this aquamarine crystal.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum493
Natural aquamarine crystal weighs 73.2 carats (14.64 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 0.85" x 0.75" x 0.75"
This natural aquamarine crystal was discovered in the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $197.64 (regular price: $277.)
This small aquamarine crystal has pale greenish-blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is clear with faintly visible natural inclusions inside, and it has very consistent transparency throughout its length. It makes a nice specimen of gem-grade aquamarine just as it is, although it would also yield a very well matched pair of 17mm round cabochon gems. See an opposite side view of this transparent aquamarine crystal.

Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum468
Natural color aquamarine crystal weighing 84.85 carats (16.97 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 1.5" x 0.8" x 0.6"
This natural aquamarine crystal was discovered in the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $195.15 (regular price: $305.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal section is transparent with gem grade areas inside and natural light blue color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. There are some small white albite crystals attached. See also an opposite side view of this aquamarine crystal.

Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum469
Natural color aquamarine crystal weighing 119.15 carats (23.83 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 1.1" x 1" x 0.8"
This natural aquamarine crystal was discovered in the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $202.55 (regular price: $345.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal section is transparent with gem grade areas inside and natural light blue color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See also an opposite side view of this aquamarine crystal.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal Section, 106.85 carats!

Code: aqum467
Natural color aquamarine crystal weighing 106.85 carats (21.37 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 1.1" x 1.1" x 0.8"
This natural aquamarine crystal was discovered in the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $213.70 (regular price: $362.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal section is transparent with gem grade areas inside and natural light blue color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See also an opposite side view of this aquamarine crystal.

358 carat Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum473
Natural color aquamarine crystal weighing 358 carats (71.6 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 2.2" x 1.3" x 1"
This natural aquamarine crystal was discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $322.20 (regular price: $465.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal is semi-transparent with natural light blue color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See a side view of this natural color aquamarine crystal. See also an additional view of this unique aquamarine crystal. This aquamarine crystal makes a great specimen of natural raw aquamarine just as it is, although it would also yield a single large semi-transparent cabochon gem weighing 100 carats!

Aquamarine Crystal Section, 484.7 carats

Code: aqum474
Natural color aquamarine crystal weighing 484.7 carats (96.94 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 1.8" x 1.6" x 1.5"
This natural aquamarine crystal was discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $581.64 (regular price: $775.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal section is semi-transparent to transparent with natural light blue color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See an opposite side view of this unique aquamarine crystal.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum472
Natural color aquamarine crystal weighing 86.8 carats (17.36 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 1.5" x 0.8" x 0.6"
This natural aquamarine crystal was discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $238.25 (regular price: $328.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has prismatic faces & terminations in very good condition. It is transparent with gem grade areas inside and natural light blue color. There is a small amount of white albite and clay minerals. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See an opposite side view of this natural color aquamarine crystal. See an additional view of this unique aquamarine crystal.

Gem Grade Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum432
This natural aquamarine crystal weighs 103.3 carats (20.66 grams)
Aquamarine Dimensions: 2.2" long x 0.6" x 0.5"
This aquamarine crystal was mined in the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $568.15 (regular price: $723.10)
This gem grade aquamarine crystal would yield a single faceted gem weighing 25 carats with only very faintly visible inclusions. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This beautiful aquamarine has natural light greenish-blue color and vitreous luster on its prismatic faces. See also a view of this gem grade aquamarine crystal held to a light.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal Section

Code: aqum376
Genuine aquamarine weighing 157.5 carats (31.5 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 1.4" x 1.3" x 0.8"
This natural aquamarine specimen was mined in the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $252.00 (regular price: $315.)
This natural aquamarine crystal section is transparent with gem-grade areas inside. It has some naturally terminated surfaces and has beautiful natural light blue color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It makes a great mineral specimen of natural gem grade aquamarine just as it is, although it could also be used as lapidary rough to make lightly included transparent aquamarine gems or a unique aquamarine gem carving! See another view of this natural aquamarine crystal section.

Natural Aquamarine Specimen, 434.5 Carats

Code: aqum366
Aquamarine Weight: 434.5 carats (86.9 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 2.5" x 1.5" x 0.8"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $118.95
This natural aquamarine specimen is semi-transparent to transparent. It has light greenish-blue natural color. This raw aquamarine specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See also another view of this natural aquamarine mineral specimen.

Naturally Etched Transparent Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum575
This genuine aquamarine crystal weighs 43.6 carats
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.1" x 0.8" x 0.6"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $65.40
This small aquamarine crystal specimen has pale blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is transparent with some gem grade areas inside, and this genuine aquamarine is completely covered with beautiful naturally etched surfaces. See an additional view of this naturally etched aquamarine crystal.

Natural Etched Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum329
Aquamarine Specimen weighs 120.4 carats (24.08 grams)
Dimensions: 1.5" x 1.3" x 0.9"
This natural aquamarine crystal was mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $72.24
This fine quality specimen of naturally terminated aquamarine has very pale blue-green natural color (almost colorless). This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is semi-transparent to transparent with a small gem grade area inside, and it is completely covered with naturally etched and terminated surfaces!

Natural Etched Aquamarine Specimen

Code: aqum297
Aquamarine specimen weighs 230.1 carats (46.02 grams)
Dimensions: 2" x 1.7" x 1.2"
mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $92.04
This naturally etched specimen of natural color aquamarine has natural pale blue-green color. This aquamarine specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is semi-transparent to transparent with several gem grade areas inside, and it is covered with naturally etched surfaces. In the photo at left, you can see some muscovite mica still attached in the upper right area of the specimen.

Naturally Etched Transparent Aquamarine Crystal, 67.32 carats

Code: aqum576
This genuine aquamarine crystal weighs 67.32 carats
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.25" x 1" x 0.2"
Discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $114.44
This small aquamarine crystal specimen has pale blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is transparent with some gem grade areas inside, and this genuine aquamarine is covered with very interesting naturally etched surfaces as shown at left. See an additional view of this naturally etched aquamarine crystal. See also a back-lit view of this naturally etched raw aquamarine specimen. See also another photo showing light reflecting from the surface of this of this natural etched aquamarine crystal.

Naturally Etched Transparent Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum279
This genuine aquamarine crystal weighs 201.6 carats (40.3 grams)
2.1" x 1.3" x 1"
mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $161.20
This natural aquamarine crystal has light blue-green natural color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is semi-transparent to transparent with some gem grade areas inside, and this genuine aquamarine is completely covered with beautiful naturally etched surfaces. The photo at left shows a close-up view of some of the naturally etched surface features, see a full view of this naturally etched aquamarine crystal. See also another side of this naturally etched aquamarine crystal.

Fine Naturally Etched Aquamarine Crystal, 166.5 carats

Code: aqum371
Natural aquamarine crystal weighing 166.5 carats (33.3 grams)
Aquamarine Specimen Dimensions: 1.5" x 1.3" x 1.2"
Naturally etched aquamarine crystal mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $166.50
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal specimen has very pale (almost colorless) blue-green natural color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is transparent with a large gem grade area inside, and it is covered with very interesting naturally etched surfaces. There is a chamber passing all the way thru this naturally etched aquamarine crystal, and there are several other very beautiful naturally etched surface features. See another view of this naturally etched aquamarine crystal.

Naturally Etched Aquamarine Specimen

Code: aqum303
Natural aquamarine etched crystal weighs 285.5 carats (57.1 grams)
Dimensions: 2.3" x 1.7" x 1.3"
This natural aquamarine crystal was mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $171.30
This unique specimen of natural etched aquamarine has natural pale blue-green color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It is semi-transparent to transparent, and it is covered with naturally etched surfaces. In one area, the etchings are so deep that there is a naturally etched hole going all the way through this unique aquamarine specimen as shown in the close-up photo at left. See a full view of this naturally etched aquamarine crystal. See an additional full view of this naturally etched aquamarine.

Aquamarine Crystal Specimen, 21.6 carats

Code: aqum567
This natural aquamarine weighs 21.6 carats (4.32 grams)
Aquamarine Dimensions: 1.2" x 0.5" x 0.4"
Natural aquamarine crystal section mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $64.15 (regular price: $81.50)
This natural aquamarine crystal section has areas with very good transparency with light blue natural color. It is a crystal section with natural surfaces. There are a couple of small facet grade areas. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This crystal makes a great specimen of natural color light blue aquamarine just as it is, and it would also make a nice wire wrapped crystal pendant.

Aquamarine Crystal, 21.2 carats

Code: aqum569
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 21.2 carats (4.24 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.2" x 0.4" x 0.3"
Natural aquamarine crystal mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $81.50
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has very good transparency. It is lightly included with light blue natural color. The natural terminations and prismatic faces are in very good condition. There is a small amount of natural clay minerals on the end terminations. This aquamarine crystal is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This crystal makes a great specimen of naturally terminated aquamarine just as it is, and it would also make a nice jewelry pendant.

Gem-Grade Aquamarine Crystal, 12.35 carats

Code: aqum568
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 12.35 carats (2.47 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.25" x 0.3" x 0.25"
Natural aquamarine crystal mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $86.50
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has very good gem-grade transparency. It appears colorless at a glance, but it actually has very pale blue natural color. The natural terminations and prismatic faces are in very good condition. Colorless aquamarine is also known as goshenite. This near colorless aquamarine crystal would yield a few carats of goshenite gems. This aquamarine crystal is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This crystal makes a great specimen of naturally terminated aquamarine/goshenite just as it is, and it would also make a nice jewelry pendant.

Aquamarine Crystals, 20.9 carats

Code: aqum570
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 20.9 carats (4.18 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 0.8" x 0.5" x 0.5"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $145.00 (regular price: $188.50)
This small size naturally terminated beryl specimen is two intergrown aquamarine crystals with very good transparency showing light to medium blue natural color. The natural terminations and prismatic faces are in very good condition. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See another view of these natural aquamarine crystals.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal, 29 carats

Code: aqum566
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 29.0 carats (5.80 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.1" x 0.5" x 0.4"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined in 2002 at Tres Barras, Brazil
Price: $155.00 (regular price: $198.50)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has very good transparency with light greenish-blue natural color. The natural terminations and prismatic faces are in very good condition. There is a small facet grade area at the tip, and the lower 2/3 of the crystal is transparent with very faint microscopic fibrous inclusions. This area of the crystal will yield a fine quality aquamarine cabochon gem weighing 6 carats. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See another view of this natural aquamarine crystal. This crystal makes a great specimen of naturally terminated greenish blue aquamarine just as it is, and it would also make a nice jewelry pendant just as it is.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal with Black Tourmalines

Code: aqum573
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 34.0 carats (6.80 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.5" x 0.55" x 0.25"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined in 2002 at Tres Barras, Brazil
Price: $168.25 (regular price: $215.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has terminations at each end (bi-terminated). It has very fine gem-grade transparency with very pale blue natural color (almost colorless). The natural terminations and prismatic faces are in very good condition. There are some acicular black tourmaline crystals inside the aquamarine at one end. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - exactly how it formed inside the earyth, it has not been heated or treated in any way. See an opposite side view of this aquamarine crystal with black tourmaline. This crystal makes a great specimen of naturally terminated aquamarine with black tourmaline just as it is, and it would also make a great wire wrapped jewelry pendant.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal, 29.7 carats

Code: aqum571
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 29.7 carats (5.94 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.4" x 0.4" x 0.3"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $185.00 (regular price: $237.50)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal is transparent with light blue natural color. The natural terminations and prismatic faces are in very good condition. This lightly included aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This crystal makes a great crystal specimen of naturally terminated blue aquamarine just as it is, and it would also make a very nice wire-wrapped jewelry pendant.

Bi-Term Aquamarine Crystal, 32.85 carats

Code: aqum572
This natural color Aquamarine Crystal weighs 32.85 carats (6.57 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.35" x 0.5" x 0.3"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $215.00 (regular price: $261.50)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has terminations at each end (bi-terminated). It is transparent with light blue natural color. The all natural terminations and prismatic faces are in very good condition. This lightly included aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. There are several small facet grade areas inside. This crystal makes a great crystal specimen of naturally bi-terminated blue aquamarine just as it is, and it would also make a very nice wire-wrapped jewelry pendant. See also an opposite side view of this natural aquamarine crystal.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal, 129.85 carats

Code: aqum516
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 129.85 carats (25.97 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.25" x 1.1" x 0.7"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $315.00 (regular price: $495.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has very good transparency with very pale blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See also a side view photo of this naturally terminated aquamarine crystal. The termination is in mostly very good condition, and its corner edges are beveled by natural second order terminations. The prismatic faces are in good overall condition with some abraded areas. This crystal makes a great specimen of naturally terminated pale blue aquamarine just as it is, and it would also yield a very nice matching pair of fine quality lightly included cabochon gems weighing 50 carats total gem weight.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal, 96.7 carats

Code: aqum517
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 96.7 carats (19.34 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.6" x 0.7" x 0.7"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $345.00 (regular price: $475.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has very good transparency with pale blue natural color. There is a small amount of muscovite mica on one side. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See an opposite side view of this naturally terminated aquamarine crystal. The terminations and the prismatic faces are in very good condition. This crystal makes a great specimen of naturally terminated pale blue aquamarine just as it is, and it would also yield 45 carats of lightly included aquamarine gems! See also a different side view of this natural aquamarine crystal.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystals, 124.25 carats

Code: aqum518
Natural Aquamarine Crystals weigh 124.25 carats (24.85 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Specimen Dimensions: 1.3" x 1.1" x 0.9"
These natural aquamarine crystals were mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $361.25 (regular price: $475.)
These intergrown aquamarine crystals are naturally terminated with very good transparency and very pale blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See also an opposite side view photo of these naturally terminated aquamarine crystals. The terminations and prismatic faces are in good condition with only a few minor abrasions.

Aquamarine Crystal, 215.6 carats

Code: aqum519
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 215.6 carats (43.12 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 1.25" x 1.05" x 0.95"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $495.00 (regular price: $815.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal is transparent with very pale blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. It has an equi-dimensional blocky shape. See a top view photo of this naturally terminated aquamarine crystal. The termination and prismatic faces in mostly very good condition. This crystal makes a great specimen of naturally terminated pale blue aquamarine just as it is, and it would also yield 100 carats of lightly included transparent cabochon gems! See also an opposite side view of this natural color aquamarine crystal.

Natural Aquamarine Crystal, 297.3 carats

Code: aqum347
This natural Aquamarine Crystal weighs 297.3 carats (59.46 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 2.0" x 1.3" x 0.9"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $710.00 (regular price: $1125.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has very good transparency with very pale blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See also an opposite side photo of this naturally terminated aquamarine crystal. See an additional view of this unique aquamarine crystal. The terminations are in mostly very good condition, and the prismatic faces are in good overall condition with some broken and abraded areas. This crystal makes a great specimen of naturally terminated pale blue aquamarine just as it is, and it would also yield a very nice lightly included cabochon gem weighing over 100 carats!

Transparent Aquamarine Crystals, 312.8 carats

Code: aqum520
Natural Aquamarine Crystals weigh 312.8 carats (62.56 grams)
Aquamarine Crystals Dimensions: 1.7" x 1.4" x 1.35"
Natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $825.00 (regular price: $1185.)
These intergrown aquamarine crystals are naturally terminated with very good transparency and very pale blue-green natural color (almost colorless). This specimen of aquamarine crystals is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See an opposite side view of these naturally terminated aquamarine crystals. The terminations and prismatic faces are in very good condition with only a few minor abrasions. There is a small amount of muscovite as well. See also a side view photo of these natural aquamarine crystals.

Natural Aquamarine Crystal, 1210.5 carats

Code: aqum350
This natural aquamarine crystal weighs 1210.5 carats (242.1 grams)
Aqumarine Specimen Dimensions: 2.3" x 2.4" x 1.7"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $3615.00 (regular price: $5925.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal is mostly transparent and becomes semi-transparent near its base. It has light blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. The prismatic faces and the terminations are in good overall condition. This rare quality aquamarine crystal makes a very nice specimen of natural aquamarine just as it is, although it would yield over 600 carats of large size lightly included aquamarine cabochon gems! See also a side-view photo of this naturally terminated aquamarine crystal.

Large Gem-Grade Aquamarine Crystal, 1.25 pounds!

Code: aqum351
Aquamarine Crystal weighs 2840 carats (568 grams)
Natural aquamarine crystal measurements: 2.7" tall x 2.8" wide x 2.6" deep
This natural aquamarine crystal was mined at Shigar, Pakistan
Price: $8425.00 (regular price: $13915.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal is transparent at its tip and becomes semi-transparent towards its base. This gem-grade aquamarine crystal weighs 1.25 pounds, and it has light blue natural color. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See an additional photo of this rare collector quality aquamarine crystal. See a different side view of this natural aquamarine crystal. The prismatic faces and the terminations are in good condition with only a few minor abrasions. This rare quality aquamarine crystal makes a wonderful larger size mineral specimen of natural aquamarine just as it is, although it would also yield over 1200 carats of lightly included aquamarine cabochon gems! See also another view of this gem-grade aquamarine crystal.

Pale Gem-Grade Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum430
This natural aquamarine crystal weighs 180.5 carats (36.1 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 2.5" long x 0.75" x 0.65"
This aquamarine crystal was mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $785.00 (regular price: $1295.)
This pale greenish blue aquamarine crystal is so pale that it is almost colorless. It has excellent transparency throughout and would yield 70 carats of faceted gemstones with only faintly visible inclusions. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. The prismatic faces and the pinacoidal termination are in excellent condition. The prismatic faces have naturally etched surfaces as shown in the close-up photo at left. See also a full view of this natural aquamarine crystal.

Pale Gem-Grade Tabular Aquamarine Crystals on Matrix

Code: aqum477
This natural aquamarine crystal group weighs (277.5 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Group Dimension:10.4 x 8.1 x 3.8 cm.
This aquamarine crystal group was mined at Mt. Xuebauding, Pingwu, Sichuan, China
Price: $840.00
This pale blue and blue green aquamarine crystal combination, of unique tabular form sets on a thin base of muscovite. The widest dimension of the main inter-grown aquamarine crystal is 6.5 cm. It has good transparency and pale blue green color with some visible inclusions and very small nicks or abrasions on the joining face edges. Another crystal in a different growth orientation is of a pale blue color. These aquamarine crystals are completely natural, they have not been heated or treated in any way. The prismatic faces and terminations are in good condition with the exception of the very small nicks on the edges. The tabular growth habit for the aquas on this specimen was typical for specimens from this mine as shown in the close-up photo at left. See also another view of this natural aquamarine crystal. See also another view of this natural aquamarine crystal.

Pale Gem-Grade Tabular Aquamarine Crystals on Matrix

Code: aqum486
This natural aquamarine crystal group weighs (189.1 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Groupl Dimension:9.4 x 6.1 x 5.0 cm.
This aquamarine crystal was mined at Mt. Xuebauding, Pingwu, Sichuan, China
Price: $620.00
This pale blue aquamarine crystal combination, of unique tabular form sets on a base of muscovite. The widest dimension of the main aquamarine crystal is 6.0 cm. It has good transparency and pale blue color with some visible inclusions and very small nicks on one edge. These aquamarine crystals are completely natural - they have not been heated or treated in any way. The prismatic faces and terminations are in good condition with the exception of the very small nicks on the one edge. The tabular growth habit was typical for specimens from this mine as shown in the close-up photo at left. See also another view of this natural aquamarine crystal. See also another view of this natural aquamarine crystal.

Aquamarine in Pegmatite Matrix Specimen

Code: aqum264
Pegmatite matrix specimen weighing 0.4 Lbs
Matrix Specimen Dimensions: 4.4" long x 2.5" x 1.5"
Found in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $46.50
This natural pegmatite specimen has a matrix of white albite with muscovite mica. There is a small amount of pale green aquamarine at one end (right side of specimen in photo at left). The aquamarine is translucent to semi-transparent with some clear transparent areas.

Aquamarine in Pegmatite Matrix Specimen

Code: aqum265
This aquamarine in pegmatite weighs 0.7 Lbs
Genuine aquamarine specimen dimension: 3.9" long x 2.3" x 2"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $108.50
This natural pegmatite specimen has a matrix of white albite and muscovite mica with pale green aquamarine. The aquamarine is translucent to semi-transparent with some clear transparent areas, and most of its surfaces are naturally etched.

Aquamarine Crystal with Black Tourmalines, 3.8 inch

Code: aqum426
This natural aquamarine crystal weighs 584.4 carats (116.88 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 3.8" long x 1.2" x 1"
This aquamarine crystal was mined at the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $2915.00 (regular price: $3975.)
This fine quality aquamarine crystal is naturally terminated. It is lightly included and transparent throughout its length with some small facet grade areas inside. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This beautiful crystal has natural pale blue color and vitreous luster. There are dozens of small slender black tourmaline crystals on and within the aquamarine. See a close-up view of this naturally terminated aquamarine crystal with tourmalines. The aquamarine crystal is bi-terminated, and it has hexagonal prismatic form. See another full-view photo of this fine collector quality aquamarine crystal. See also a back-view photo of this aquamarine collector crystal. The prismatic faces and the pinacoidal termination are in excellent condition. See a close-up view of the tip of this collector grade aquamarine crystal. See also an upright view of this aquamarine crystal.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum427
This natural aquamarine crystal weighs 665 carats (133 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 3.2" long x 1.3" x 1.2"
This aquamarine crystal was mined at the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $3315.00 (regular price: $4525.)
This collector grade aquamarine crystal is naturally terminated. It is lightly included and transparent throughout its length with increasing transparency towards the tip where it has several facet grade areas. This beautiful crystal has natural pale greenish-blue color and vitreous luster on most of its prismatic faces and on the pinacoidal termination. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. See another close-up view of the naturally terminated tip of this transparent aquamarine crystal. The aquamarine crystal is bi-terminated. The end terminations are in good overall condition with only minor abrasions, and the prismatic faces are in mostly good condition with some naturally abraded areas on one side. This unique aquamarine crystal has hexagonal prismatic form with second order prismatic faces beveling most of the edges of the first order faces. See a full view of this natural color aquamarine crystal. See another full-view photo of this natural aquamarine crystal. See also an upright view of this aquamarine crystal specimen.

Transparent Aquamarine Crystal, 6 inches Long!

Code: aqum428
This natural aquamarine crystal weighs 736 carats (147.2 grams)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 6.0" long x 1" x 0.8"
This aquamarine crystal was mined at the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $4615.00 (regular price: $6625.)
This 6 inch long aquamarine crystal is lightly included and transparent throughout its length becoming semi-transparent at its base. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. There are several facet grade areas near its tip. This beautiful crystal has natural light greenish-blue color and vitreous luster on most of its prismatic faces and on the pinacoidal termination where it shows some abraded areas. See a close-up of the naturally terminated pinacoidal end termination of this transparent aquamarine crystal. See another close-up of the tip of this naturally terminated aquamarine crystal. There are two internal chambers that pass completely through the 6 inch length of this aquamarine crystal. The natural pinacoidal termination makes a great "window" for looking down into this aquamarine crystal along its length (see an end view. The prismatic terminations are in very good condition. This unique aquamarine crystal has hexagonal prismatic form with second order prismatic faces beveling most of the edges of the first order faces. See another full view of this natural aquamarine crystal. There are four tiny (1mm across) orange spessartite garnet crystals inside this aquamarine crystal near its base. See a close-up showing these spessartite garnets in aquamarine.

Gem Grade Aquamarine Crystal

Code: aqum432
This natural aquamarine crystal weighs 103.3 carats (20.66 grams)
Aquamarine Dimensions: 2.2" long x 0.6" x 0.5"
This aquamarine crystal was mined in the Shigar Valley, Pakistan
Price: $568.15 (regular price: $723.10)
This gem grade aquamarine crystal would yield a single faceted gem weighing 25 carats with only very faintly visible inclusions. This aquamarine crystal specimen is completely natural - it has not been heated or treated in any way. This beautiful aquamarine has natural light greenish-blue color and vitreous luster on its prismatic faces. See also a view of this gem grade aquamarine crystal held to a light.

2.5 inch Heliodor Crystal

Code: helm142
Natural color heliodor specimen weighing 106.4 carats (21.28 grams)
Heliodor Crystal Dimensions: 2.6" long x 0.6" x 0.5" (65mm x 14.5mm x 12mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $521.36 (regular price: $745.)
This naturally terminated heliodor crystal has all natural surfaces with its prismatic faces and terminations in good overall condition with some abrasions. The color is a very beautiful and strong natural greenish yellow. This 2.6 inch long natural heliodor crystal is transparent throughout its length with several small flawless areas inside.

3.5 inch Heliodor Crystal

Code: helm146
Natural color heliodor specimen weighing 364.8 carats (72.96 grams)
Heliodor Crystal Dimensions: 3.5" long x 0.75" x 0.6" (88mm x 25.5mm x 18.5mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $2918.40 (regular price: $3650.)
This beautiful collector crystal of naturally terminated heliodor has all natural surfaces with its prismatic faces and terminations in very good condition. The rich color is completely natural, it is a very strong greenish yellow with a colorless zone right at the tip! This 3.5 inch long natural color beryl crystal is transparent throughout its length with several facet grade areas inside. See a view of this heliodor crystal standing upright. This heliodor crystal has unusual tapering hexagonal form which gets smaller in diameter towards its tip. See also an opposite side view of this natural heliodor crystal.

Gem-Grade Heliodor Crystal, 5.2 inches long

Code: helm147
Natural color heliodor specimen weighing 396.4 carats (79.28 grams)
Heliodor Crystal Dimensions: 5.2" long x 0.85" x 0.6" (131mm x 22mm x 16mm)
Mined in 2002 at Padre Paraiso, Brazil
Price: $3171.20 (regular price: $3965.)
This beautiful collector crystal of naturally terminated heliodor has all natural surfaces. This natural heliodor crystal's prismatic faces and terminations are in good condition. The rich color is completely natural, it is a very strong greenish yellow with a nearly colorless very pale blue zone (aquamarine) right at the tip! This 5.2 inch long natural color beryl crystal is transparent throughout its length with many small facet grade areas inside. This heliodor crystal has very unusual tapering hexagonal form which gets larger in diameter towards its tip! See also an opposite side view of this natural heliodor crystal.

Gem-Grade Aquamarine Crystal, 2.25 inches long

Code: aquf114
Natural color aquamarine rough weighing 18.91 grams (94.55 carats)
Aquamarine Crystal Dimensions: 2.25" long x 0.6" x 0.45"
Mined at Marambaia, Brazil
Price: $685.49 (regular price: $945.)
This naturally terminated aquamarine crystal has pale natural blue-green color. It has very good transparency with only some very faint natural inclusions inside, and it would yield 40 carats of very lightly included and well matched faceted gems (nearly eye-clean). This natural aquamarine crystal could also be wire-wrapped and made into a beautiful and unique pendant just as it is. The prismatic faces and the end terminations are in good condition with only minor abrasions. This aquamarine has vitreous luster on its prismatic faces and on the pinacoidal termination. This unique aquamarine crystal has hexagonal prismatic form. See another view of this natural gem grade aquamarine crystal.

Aquamarine Crystal in Matrix

This unique item is sold.
Code: aqum563
Aquamarine in Matrix Specimen Dimensions: 2.5" x 1.7" x 1.2"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $41.50
This natural mineral specimen has a 1.5 inch long aquamarine crystal embedded in a matrix of semi-transparent quartz.

Aquamarine Crystal in Matrix

Code: aqum564
Pegmatite matrix specimen total weight 1.5 pounds
Aquamarine in Matrix Specimen Dimensions: 4.3" x 3.3" x 2.7"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $108.50
This natural mineral specimen has a semi-transparent aquamarine crystal embedded in a pegmatite matrix of quartz with a small amount of feldspar.

Aquamarine Crystal in Pegmatite Matrix

Code: aqum565
Pegmatite matrix specimen total weight 3.6 pounds
Aquamarine in Matrix Specimen Dimensions: 7.2" x 4.4" x 2.8"
Mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Price: $168.50
This natural mineral specimen has a 3 inch long aquamarine crystal embedded in a pegmatite matrix of quartz with microcline.

4 inch Aquamarine Crystal in Quartz Matrix

Code: aqum537
Pegmatite matrix specimen total weight 6.5 pounds
Aquamarine in Matrix Specimen Dimensions: 6" x 5.3" x 4"
Mined in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $184.50
The front surface of this 6.5 pound natural pegmatite decorator specimen has a blue aquamarine crystal that measures 4 inches long partially embedded within the gray quartz matrix. There also are several black tourmalines intergrown with the quartz as well. This aquamarine in matrix decorator specimen stands up nicely in an upright position. See an upright view of this aquamarine in matrix decorator specimen.

Large Decorator Specimen of Aquamarine in Quartz

Code: aqum440
Quartz matrix specimen with aquamarine and tourmaline, total weight 22.0 pounds!
Aquamarine in Matrix Specimen Dimensions: 9.5" x 7.5" x 6.5"
Mined in Bahia, Brazil
Price: $645.00 (regular price: $882.50)
The front surface of this natural decorator mineral specimen has a 7.5 inch translucent aquamarine crystal embedded in gray quartz matrix as shown! See a full view of this large aquamarine in matrix decorator specimen. See also another full view photo of this large aquamarine crystal in matrix specimen. There also are some black tourmalines exposed on the back surface of this beautiful decorator mineral specimen.

Large Aquamarine Crystal in Pegmatite Matrix

Code: aqum511
Pegmatite matrix specimen with aquamarine, total weight 6.8 pounds
Aquamarine in Matrix Specimen Dimensions: 9" x 4.8" x 4.2"
Mined at Marambaia, Brazil
Price: $725.00 (regular price: $1125.)
This natural decorator mineral specimen has a beautiful large aquamarine crystal embedded in a pegmatite matrix of quartz with mica and feldspar. The aquamarine crystal is semi-transparent with some small gem grade areas! This aquamarine crystal measures 6.5 inches long by 3 inches across & weighs about one kilogram! See also an opposite side view of this large aquamarine crystal in pegmatite matrix.

We also carry an assortment of stands for small & medium sized aquamarine mineral specimens.

We do have more Aquamarine Mineral Specimens and Crystals in stock!

Morganite Mineral Specimen

Aquamarine is a variety of the mineral beryl.

See mineral specimens of the other beryl varieties:

Aquamarine Mineral Specimens

Each one of our aquamarine mineral specimens is completely natural, and they were mined in either Brazil or Pakistan. You may have noticed that some of our aquamarine mineral specimens have pale green or greenish-blue color, that is because we do not heat treat any of our aquamarine specimens. Here at, we do not have any heated or treated aquamarine mineral specimens, each specimen is 100% natural! We specialize in rare quality natural aquamarine specimens with gem grade transparency, and we do have more aquamarine mineral specimens in stock, including some very rare quality aquamarine mineral specimens and some very large aquamarine decorator specimens. We also have small aquamarine mineral specimens available, and these inexpensive aquamarine specimens have special volume discounts as well!

Aquamarine Earrings Aquamarine Jewelry

For more information about natural aquamarine and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses be sure to see our aquamarine information page. Be sure to see our selection of genuine aquamarine earrings and other fine aquamarine jewelry designs.

If you are interested in purchasing aquamarine specimens in volume with the best possible volume pricing, then see our page for bulk volume mineral specimen sales.

See also our page displaying Genuine Aquamarine Gemstones, and our genuine Aquamarine Earrings.

See each of our pages displaying Aquamarine Jewelry.

Natural Aquamarine Gemstones Set in Handcrafted Aquamarine Jewelry:

To see more aquamarine photos, simply follow any link shown below. To see photos of another mineral variety, select any link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.

Aquamarine Mineral Specimens, Aquamarine Information & additional Aquamarine Products

Aquamarine Mineral Specimens

We have a very large inventory of natural aquamarine mineral specimens at our mineral warehouses in a broad range of qualities and sizes including some very large aquamarine decorator specimens! Be sure to let us know if your have any aquamarine specimen requests.

Aquamarine Earrings

Aquamarine Earrings
Aquamarine Decorator Mineral Specimens

Aquamarine Decorator Mineral Specimens

Aquamarine Mineral Specimens

We do have additional inventory of natural aquamarine, so be sure to let us know if you have any aquamarine mineral specimen requests.

We specialize in natural mineral specimens and crystals.

See our page with links to mineral specimens of all mineral varieties!

See the links below for a selection of collector quality natural mineral specimens.

Natural Crystals & Mineral Specimens

Aquamarine Mineral Specimens & Crystals

Would you like us to inform you when we add more natural color aquamarine in matrix and aquamarine crystals to our aquamarine mineral specimen collection on this page? Please contact our webmaster or our 'site' geologist with any questions or comments.

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