We specialize in natural color aquamarine - just as it was found in the earth!
Aquamarine is a variety of the mineral beryl.
See mineral specimens of the other beryl varieties:
Each one of our aquamarine mineral specimens is completely natural, and they were mined in either Brazil or Pakistan. You may have noticed that some of our aquamarine mineral specimens have pale green or greenish-blue color, that is because we do not heat treat any of our aquamarine specimens. Here at mineralminers.com, we do not have any heated or treated aquamarine mineral specimens, each specimen is 100% natural! We specialize in rare quality natural aquamarine specimens with gem grade transparency, and we do have more aquamarine mineral specimens in stock, including some very rare quality aquamarine mineral specimens and some very large aquamarine decorator specimens. We also have small aquamarine mineral specimens available, and these inexpensive aquamarine specimens have special volume discounts as well!
For more information about natural aquamarine and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses be sure to see our aquamarine information page. Be sure to see our selection of genuine aquamarine earrings and other fine aquamarine jewelry designs.
If you are interested in purchasing aquamarine specimens in volume with the best possible volume pricing, then see our page for bulk volume mineral specimen sales.
See also our page displaying Genuine Aquamarine Gemstones, and our genuine Aquamarine Earrings.
See each of our pages displaying Aquamarine Jewelry.
We have a very large inventory of natural aquamarine mineral specimens at our mineral warehouses in a broad range of qualities and sizes including some very large aquamarine decorator specimens! Be sure to let us know if your have any aquamarine specimen requests.
We do have additional inventory of natural aquamarine, so be sure to let us know if you have any aquamarine mineral specimen requests.
We specialize in natural mineral specimens and crystals.
See our page with links to mineral specimens of all mineral varieties!
See the links below for a selection of collector quality natural mineral specimens.
Would you like us to inform you when we add more natural color aquamarine in matrix and aquamarine crystals to our aquamarine mineral specimen collection on this page? Please contact our webmaster or our 'site' geologist with any questions or comments.