Handcrafted Natural Tigers eye Jewelry: Would you like us to inform you when we add more natural tigers eye jewelry?
Natural tigers eye is a variety of quartz with chatoyancy due to fibrous inclusions.
We also offer tigers eye lapidary grade rough specimens, and collectable tigers eye spheres.
To see photos of another mineral variety, select any item category link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.
We offer a very large variety of natural gemstone jewelry in rings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets and earrings.
Please contact our webmaster or our
'site' geologist with any questions
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The mineralminers.com® Virtual Gallery - Collector Quality Tigers Eye Jewelry At Miners' Prices!TM
Tigers Eye Jewelry
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Natural Tigers Eye Pendants, Tigers Eye Rings, Tiger Eye Necklaces & Tiger Eye Bracelets
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17.5 inches long, available in 2 bead sizes (see below)
Natural tigers eye pieces that were mined in Africa were tumbled and polished in baroque shapes, and then drilled and strung in a 17.5" length. These natural color tigers eye beads have very beautiful, rich golden-brown color. The photo at left shows a close-up view. See also a full view of this genuine tigers eye bead necklace. We have two approximate diameter sizes available (see below): 5-7mm diameter, and also 7-9mm diameter.
Our Tigers-eye Jewelry is 100% Natural Tigers Eye, with no treatments of any kind!
To see more tigers-eye photos, just select one of these linked tigers eye images.
Tigers Eye Jewelry
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We have over 150 tons of gem & mineral items in stock at our mineral warehouses, so
be sure to let us know if you have any
special requests.
Tiger eye pendants, tigers eye bracelets, tigers eye rings & tigers eye necklaces
Last Updated: November 19, 2024
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