Almandine Garnet Spheres and Eggs (including natural Star Garnet Spheres)
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Almandine Garnet Spheres and Almandine Garnet Eggs

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Click on any of our natural almandine garnet sphere images below to enlarge it.

Almandine Star Garnet Sphere, 1.8 inch

Code: alms166
Genuine almandine garnet sphere measures 1.8" diameter
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $122.50
This 1.8 inch diameter almandine garnet sphere (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has rich dark reddish-purple natural color with some "4 ray star" patterns reflected on some areas of its surface when viewed with a bright light source. Some areas also show bright "specks" on the sphere's surface which are actually beautiful reflections or "spangles" of sparkly reddish-purple color from within the garnet - see a view showing the beautiful "spangles" in this almandine garnet sphere.

Star Garnet Egg, 2 inches tall

Code: alms168
Almandine Garnet Egg Dimensions: 2" tall x 1.5" diameter (5cm x 3.9cm)
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $122.50
This 2 inch tall almandine garnet egg (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has dark purple natural color with bright "specks" on the sphere's surface which are actually beautiful reflections or "spangles" of sparkly reddish-purple color from within the garnet. There also are "4 ray star" patterns reflecting from some areas of its surface when viewed under direct sunlight or with a bright light source! See also another view of this natural color star garnet egg.

Almandine Star Garnet Sphere, 2.4 inch

Code: alms167
This natural color garnet sphere weighs 1.1 pounds!
Genuine almandine garnet sphere measures 2.4" diameter
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $238.50
This 2.4 inch diameter almandine garnet sphere (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has rich dark reddish-purple natural color with some bright "specks" on some areas of the sphere's surface which are actually beautiful reflections or "spangles" of sparkly reddish-purple color from within the garnet - see a view showing the beautiful "spangles" in this almandine garnet sphere.

Almandine Garnet with Biotite Sphere, 2.8 inch

Code: alms159
Garnet sphere weighs 1.5 Lbs
Genuine almandine garnet sphere measures 2.8" diameter (70mm)
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in Russia
Price: $254.50
This 2.8 inch diameter sphere of almandine garnet (also known as almandite) was ground and polished from a single garnet crystal that was mined in Russia. This rare size natural Russian garnet sphere has a very good finish, and there is some silvery-black biotite mica within the garnet matrix. See also an opposite side view of this almandine garnet with biotite sphere.

Almandine Star Garnet Sphere, 2.6 inch

This unique item is sold.
Code: alms162
Genuine almandine star garnet sphere measures 2.6" in diameter
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $314.50
This 2.6 inch diameter almandine garnet sphere (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has dark purple natural color with bright "specks" on the sphere's surface which are actually beautiful reflections or "spangles" of sparkly reddish-purple color from within the garnet. There also are "4 ray star" patterns reflecting from some areas of its surface (as shown in the photo at left) when viewed under direct sunlight or with a bright light source! See also another view of this natural color almandine garnet sphere.

Almandine Star Garnet Sphere, 2.8 inch

Code: alms169
This natural color garnet sphere weighs 1.7 pounds
Genuine almandine star garnet sphere measures 2.8" in diameter
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $364.50
This 2.8 inch diameter almandine garnet sphere (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has dark purple natural color with bright "specks" on the sphere's surface which are actually beautiful reflections or "spangles" of sparkly reddish-purple color from within the garnet. There also are "4 ray star" patterns reflecting from some areas of its surface when viewed under direct sunlight or with a bright light source! See also another view of this natural color almandine garnet sphere.

Large Star Garnet Egg, 3.6 inches tall

Code: alms163
This genuine star garnet egg weighs 2 pounds!
Almandine Garnet Egg Dimensions: 3.6" tall x 2.75" diameter (9.2cm x 7.0cm)
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $391.25
This 3.6 inch tall almandine garnet egg (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has dark purple natural color with bright "specks" on the sphere's surface which are actually beautiful reflections or "spangles" of sparkly reddish-purple color from within the garnet. There also are "4 ray star" patterns reflecting from some areas of its surface when viewed under direct sunlight or with a bright light source! See also another view of this natural color star garnet egg.

Almandine Star Garnet Sphere, 3.3 inch

Code: alms170
This natural color garnet sphere weighs 2.7 pounds
Genuine almandine garnet sphere measures 3.3" diameter
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $518.95
This 3.3 inch diameter almandine garnet sphere (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has rich dark reddish-purple natural color with some very faint "4 ray star" patterns reflected on some areas of its surface when viewed with a bright light source. Some areas also show bright "specks" on the sphere's surface which are actually beautiful reflections or "spangles" of sparkly reddish-purple color from within the garnet - see a view showing the beautiful "spangles" in this almandine garnet sphere.

Almandine Star Garnet Sphere, 3.4 inch

Code: alms172
This natural color garnet sphere weighs 3.1 pounds
Genuine almandine star garnet sphere measures 3.4" in diameter
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $531.25
This 3.4 inch diameter almandine garnet sphere (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has dark reddish-purplish-brownish natural color with some "4 ray star" patterns reflecting from some areas of its surface when viewed under direct sunlight or with a bright light source. See an opposite side view of this natural color large star garnet sphere.

Almandine Star Garnet Sphere, 3.7 inch

Code: alms171
This natural color garnet sphere weighs 3.6 pounds!
Genuine almandine garnet sphere measuring 3.7" diameter
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $745.00
This 3.7 inch diameter almandine garnet sphere (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. It has rich dark reddish-purple natural color with some bright "specks" on some areas of the sphere's surface which are actually beautiful reflections or "spangles" of sparkly reddish-purple color from within the garnet. There also are some faint "4 ray star" patterns reflecting from some areas of its surface when viewed under direct sunlight or with a bright light source. See a view showing the beautiful "spangles" in this collector quality large garnet sphere.

Extra Large Star Garnet Sphere!

Code: alms173
This natural color garnet sphere weighs 10.5 pounds!
Genuine almandine star garnet sphere measures 5" in diameter
Polished from a natural garnet crystal mined in India
Price: $1845.00
This rare size almandine star garnet collector sphere (also known as almandite garnet) was hand-ground and polished from a very large size natural garnet crystal that was mined in India. There is a small amount of mica intergrown with the garnet. This rare collector sphere has dark reddish-purplish-brownish natural color with "4 ray star" patterns reflecting from some areas of its surface when viewed under direct sunlight or with a bright light source. See an opposite side view of this rare size large star garnet sphere.

We also carry an assortment of stands for small & medium sized spheres and eggs.

Almandite Garnet Mineral Spheres

Each of our Almandine Garnet Spheres was handcrafted from a natural garnet crystal!

We offer genuine garnet spheres handcrafted from large garnet crystals mined in Brazil, Russia, and India.

Almandite (also known as almandine) is a variety of garnet.

There are many named garnet varieties. The six main garnet varieties are based on ideal end-member chemical compositions. Almandite is the iron (Fe3) rich garnet end-member variety. Almandite garnet is available as mineral specimens in loose crystals/chunks and also as matrix mineral specimens.

We also have many other collectable mineral sphere varieties available!

Almandine Garnet Information

Information about genuine garnet and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses is displayed on our garnet information page.

Please see the links below for natural almandine garnet products.

To see photos of another mineral variety, select any item category link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.

Facts & Information

Almandite Garnet Mineral Spheres and other Genuine Almandite Garnet Products in our Online Store

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We do have a large inventory of genuine almandine garnet items in stock, so be sure to let us know if you have any natural garnet sphere or egg special requests. Please contact our webmaster or our 'site' geologist with any questions or comments.

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Last Updated: October 26th, 2023
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