Your internet source for Seraphinite (clinochore) polished slabs and rough mineral specimens.

Seraphinite is the popular name for the mica mineral known as clinochlore.
Seraphinite Mineral Specimens, Polished Seraphinite Wands & Slabs, and Seraphinite Lapidary Grade Rough Specimens

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Seraphinite Mineral Specimens
(clinochlore polished pieces and seraphinite rough specimens)

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Seraphinite Rough Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: clim153
Natural seraphinite rough weighing one pound
Seraphinite Rough Specimen Dimensions: 3.8" x 3.3" x 1.9"
Mined in 2009 at the Korshunovskoe Deposit in Siberia, Russia
Price: $98.50
This natural mineral specimen of genuine seraphinite (also known by the chlorite mica varietal name: clinochore) was mined in eastern Siberia, Russia near Lake Baikal. Its has areas with beautiful chatoyancy and it makes a great seraphinite mineral specimen just as it is, although it could also be used as high grade lapidary rough to yield fine quality seraphinite cabochon gems or a carving. see also a side view of this lapidary grade seraphinite rough specimen.

Seraphinite Rough Specimen

Code: clim154
Natural seraphinite rough weighing 1.8 Lbs
Seraphinite Rough Specimen Dimensions: 4.7" x 3.8" x 2.7"
Mined in 2009 at the Korshunovskoe Deposit in Siberia, Russia
Price: $182.50
This natural mineral specimen of genuine seraphinite (also known by the chlorite mica varietal name: clinochore) was mined in eastern Siberia, Russia near Lake Baikal. It has areas with beautiful chatoyancy and it makes a great seraphinite mineral specimen just as it is, although it could also be used as high grade lapidary rough to yield many fine quality seraphinite cabochon gems, a 2.25" diameter sphere, or a wonderful carving. See also a side view of this lapidary grade seraphinite rough specimen.

Seraphinite Hand-Polished Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: clim155-e
Seraphinite Specimen Dimensions: 3.1" x 2.7" x 1.7"
Discovered in 2009 at the Korshunovskoe Deposit in Siberia, Russia
Price: $170.20
This beautiful specimen of genuine seraphinite (also known by the chlorite mica varietal name: clinochore) was mined near Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia, Russia. Its surfaces were smoothed and then hand-polished by local craftsmen to reveal its wonderful chatoyancy. See also a side view of this fine lapidary grade seraphinite polished specimen.

Seraphinite Hand-Polished Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: clim156-e
Seraphinite Specimen Dimensions: 3.5" x 3.1" x 2.1"
Found at the Korshunovskoe Deposit in Siberia, Russia
Price: $270.20
This unique specimen of genuine seraphinite (also known by the chlorite mica varietal name: clinochore) was mined near Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia, Russia in 2009. Its surfaces were smoothed and then hand-polished by local craftsmen to reveal its wonderful chatoyancy. See also a side view of this fine lapidary grade seraphinite polished specimen.

This is the end of our page displaying Seraphinite Mineral Specimens, Seraphinite Rough, and Seraphinite Wands.

Seraphinite JewelrySeraphinite Necklace

See also our page displaying Seraphinite (clinochlore) Spheres and Eggs, our muscovite mica, our fuchsite mica mineral specimens, and our lepidolite mica mineral specimens.

Mica Mineral Specimens

Take these links to see our natural mica mineral specimens:

Our natural seraphinite rough is mined in Russia. We also have in stock the rare and unique natural Russian coal known as shungite. Be sure to see our online offerings of the rare chatoyant Siberian mineral charoite.

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Seraphinite Mineral Specimens, Seraphinite Rough & other Genuine Seraphinite Items in our Online Store

Seraphinite Mineral Specimens

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Last Updated: December 3rd, 2023
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