Demantoid Gemstone

Demantoid Garnet Gemstones & topazolite garnet gemstones (examples of natural andradite garnet gemstones)

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Demantoid Garnet Gemstones

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Russian Demantoid Garnet Gemstone, 0.29 carats

Code: demg116_demantoid-gemstone
This genuine demantoid garnet gem weighs 0.29 carats
Demantoid Gemstone Size: 3.9mm round x 2.3mm deep, round cut
Faceted from a natural demantoid crystal mined in 1999 in the Ural Mountains, Russia
Price: $319.00
This small size natural color demantoid garnet gem is well faceted in a round cut with good brilliance. It has beautiful medium yellow green natural color (this natural demantoid gem is unheated and untreated). This demantoid gemstone is completely eye clean (GIA: Type II, Clarity Grade: VVS). Under magnification with bright illumination it shows faint horsetail inclusions.

Topazolite Garnet Gemstone, 2.12 carats

Code: demg111_topazolite-gemstone
This genuine Topazolite garnet gem weighs 2.12 carats
Topazolite Gemstone Dimensions: 7.8mm round x 4.6mm deep, round cut
Faceted from a natural andradite garnet crystal mined in Madagascar
Price: $593.60
This fine quality collector gem of natural andradite garnet has a natural color change with brownish-green natural color under daylight, while under incandescent light the color of this rare garnet gemstone is a strong yellow-gold color! Andradite garnet with natural yellow-gold hues is known as topazolite garnet. This natural color topazolite garnet gemstone is very well faceted in a round cut with excellent brilliance. It has very beautiful color under daylight (as shown at left) with flashes of brown and green in its depths that remind one of andalusite (this natural andradite garnet gem is unheated and untreated). This fine quality topazolite gem faces up clean, with faint natural inclusions that are only visible under very close examination with bright illumination (GIA: Type II, Clarity Grade: VS). The image at left was taken under daylight, see also a photo of this natural topazolite gemstone under incandescent light.

Russian Demantoid Garnet Gemstone, .86 carats

Code: demg121
This genuine demantoid garnet gem weighs 0.86 carat
Demantoid Gemstone Size: 6.2mm x 5.7mm near square cushion cut
Faceted from a natural demantoid crystal mined in the Ural Mountains, Russia
Price: $1548.00
This 0.86 carat natural color demantoid garnet gem is well faceted in the square cushion cut style with good brilliance. It has beautiful medium deep green natural color (this natural demantoid gem is unheated and untreated). This demantoid gemstone is nearly eye clean (GIA: Type II, Clarity Grade: VS ). Under magnification it shows a dramatic horse-tail inclusion beginning near the culet and spreading through out the gem.

Large African Demantoid Garnet Gemstone 2.70 carats

Code: demg119
This genuine demantoid garnet gem weighs 2.70 carats
Demantoid Gemstone Size: 9.0mm x 7.2mm x 4.7mm oval cut
Faceted from a natural demantoid crystal mined in Africa
Price: $4050.00
This 2.70 carats natural color demantoid garnet gem is well faceted in the oval cut style with good brilliance. It has beautiful deep green natural color (this natural demantoid gem is unheated and untreated). This demantoid gemstone is nearly eye clean (GIA: Type II, Clarity Grade: VS ). Under magnification it shows a small inclusion under a crown facet of the gem. Under very close inspection,this is the inclusion that may possibly be seen by a trained un-aided eye.

Large African Demantoid Garnet Gemstone, 1.84 carats

Code: demg115
This genuine demantoid garnet gem weighs 1.84 carats
Demantoid Gemstone Size: 7.5mm round x 4.7mm deep, round brilliant cut
Faceted from a natural demantoid crystal mined in Africa
Price: $3312.00
This fine color gem quality demantoid garnet gem is exceptionally well faceted in this round brilliant cut with superb brilliance. It has very beautiful medium green natural color (this natural demantoid gem is unheated and untreated). It faces up very clean, with a faint needle type inclusion that is only visible under microscopic examination (GIA: Type II, Clarity Grade: Eye-clean). This is a large, high quality "gem" demantoid garnet.

African Demantoid Garnet Gemstone, 1.05 carats

Code: demg122
This genuine demantoid garnet gem weighs 1.05carats
Demantoid Gemstone Size: 6.5mm round x 3.5mm deep, round brilliant cut
Faceted from a natural demantoid crystal mined in Africa
Price: $1312.50
This fine color gem quality demantoid garnet gem is exceptionally well faceted in this round brilliant cut with superb brilliance. It has very beautiful medium green natural color (this natural demantoid gem is unheated and untreated). It faces up very clean, with faint inclusions possibly visible under close examination with a trained eye (GIA: Type II, Clarity Grade: V S ). This is a nice, good quality "gem" demantoid garnet.

African Demantoid Garnet Gemstone, 1.07 carats

Code: demg123
This genuine demantoid garnet gem weighs 1.07 carats
Demantoid Gemstone Size: 6.3mm round x 3.5mm deep, round brilliant cut
Faceted from a natural demantoid crystal mined in Africa
Price: $1712.00
This fine color gem quality demantoid garnet gem is exceptionally well faceted in this round brilliant cut with superb brilliance. It has very beautiful medium slightly blueish green natural color (this natural demantoid gem is unheated and untreated). It faces up very clean, with faint inclusion only visible under microscopic examination (GIA: Type II, Clarity Grade: Eye-clean). This is a nice, high quality "gem" demantoid garnet.

Our Demantoid Garnet Gemstones are 100% Natural - Unheated and Untreated!

When examined closely, some demantoid gemstones display fibrous amphibole inclusions which gemologists refer to as diagnostic horse tail inclusions.

We have many different varieties of natural garnet available in addition to our demantoid garnets.

See also our genuine Demantoid Jewelry items.

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Demantoid Gemstones

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Last Updated: March 15, 2024
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