Genuine Labradorites: Labradorite Polished Freeforms and other Labradorite Handcrafted Gifts

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The® Virtual Gallery - Collector Quality Labradorite Polished Free Forms At Miners' Prices!TM

Labradorite Polished Pieces and other Handcrafted Labradorite Gifts

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Click on any handcrafted polished labradorite specimen image below to enlarge it.

Rough Labradorite Specimen with Polished Face

Code: labh304
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 3.7" x 3" x 1.6"
Found in Madagascar
Price: $44.95
This lapidary grade specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has colorful areas of jewelry quality. It has a raw back-side with a polished front surface to better show the labradorite's blue-green and golden "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it.

Rough Labradorite Specimen with Polished Face

Code: labh305
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 4.1" x 2" x 1.5"
Found in Madagascar
Price: $54.95
This superior quality lapidary grade specimen of natural color raw labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has colorful areas of jewelry quality. It has been polished on one surface to better show its blue, green and golden "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it.

Blue and Gold Labradorite Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh292
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 2.5" x 1.8" x 1.1"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $41.95
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its surfaces. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in all natural color shades of blue and gold.

Labradorite Massage Tool (all polished)

Code: labh294
Hand-polished labradorite wand weighing 0.5 Lbs
Labradorite Massage Wand Dimensions: 5.3" x 1.3"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $62.50
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar was hand ground and polished in a long shape with a rounded end suitable for use as a massage tool. It has colorful areas of beautiful blue, green and gold "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it.

Labradorite Mineral Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh296
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 3.3" x 2.5" x 1"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $68.95
This natural color specimen of labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on some of its surfaces. This unique labradorite piece has a relatively thin flat shape. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in all natural color shades of blue and green. See also an opposite side view this polished labradorite mineral specimen.

Fine Golden Labradorite Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh276
This polished labradorite specimen weighs 1.25 Lbs
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 3.1" x 2.7" x 2"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $84.50
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has colorful golden-yellow areas on its upper surface as shown. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles on its surfaces as you turn it in all natural color shades of gold, green and blue.

Blue and Gold Labradorite Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh298
Natural color labradorite weighing 1.4 Lbs
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 4.6" x 2.4" x 1.8"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $88.50
This natural color specimen of labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its upper surface. This unique labradorite specimen has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in all natural color shades of blue and gold.

Labradorite Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh277
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 4.7" x 3.7" x 2.2"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $88.25 - (original price: $104.50)
This superior quality specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its front surface. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in shades of gold, green, and blue.

Labradorite Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh283
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 3.5" x 2.7" x 1.8"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $94.50
This beautiful superior quality specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its front amp;& back surfaces. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in shades of gold, green, and blue.

7 inch Labradorite Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh235
Hand-polished labradorite weighing 2.2 pounds
Polished Labradorite Dimensions: 7" x 3.3" x 1.7"
This genuine labradorite specimen was found in Madagascar
Price: $108.95
This beautiful specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas on its front and back surfaces. This unique labradorite specimen has been roughly hand-ground and then hand-polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in shades of green, blue and gold. See also an opposite side view of this polished labradorite specimen.

Golden Labradorite Decorator Specimen

Code: labh286
Polished Labradorite Dimensions: 4.1" x 3.6" x 1.7"
This genuine labradorite specimen was found in Madagascar
Price: $114.95
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) shows large areas with beautiful golden color on its front and back surfaces along with some deep blue edges! This labradorite specimen has been roughly hand-ground and then hand-polished to better show its "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it. It stands up in the position shown at left.

Polished Labradorite Specimen

Code: labh278
Polished Labradorite Dimensions: 5" x 3" x 1.8"
This genuine labradorite specimen was found in Madagascar
Price: $114.95
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) shows blue, green, gold, and orange colors on its front and back surfaces. This labradorite specimen has been roughly hand-ground and then hand-polished to better show its "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it.

Labradorite Decorator Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh203
Natural color labradorite weighing 2.7 Lbs
Polished Labradorite Dimensions: 5.7" x 3.7" x 2.4"
(146mm x 93mm x 61mm)
This unique labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $118.95 - (original price: $138.50)
This superior quality specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its front surface. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in beautiful shades of golden-green and blue.

Polished Labradorite Specimen

Code: labh249
Polished Labradorite Dimensions: 5.6" x 3.2" x 2.3"
This genuine labradorite specimen was found in Madagascar
Price: $142.25 - (original price: $168.50)
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of jewelry quality on its front surface. This labradorite specimen has been roughly hand-ground and then hand-polished to better show its "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it. This labradorite has golden color on the left and greenish color on the right with some small blue and pink areas!

Fine Golden-Green Labradorite Decorator Specimen

Code: labh143
Natural color labradorite weighing 3.6 Lbs
This genuine labradorite specimen measures 6.3" x 3.3" x 3.1"
Polished on all surfaces from natural labradorite rough that was mined in Madagascar
Price: $168.25 - (original price: $214.50)
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of jewelry quality on its front surface. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces. Its front surface shows natural golden green "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller).

Labradorite Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh257
This polished labradorite specimen weighs 3.3 Lbs
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 6.1" x 3.6" x 3.4"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $181.25 - (original price: $198.50)
This beautiful specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of jewelry grade on its front surface. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it with rare purple colors at one edge grading into pink, orange and gold with some blue!

Labradorite Decorator Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh300
Natural color labradorite weighing 5.1 Lbs
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 5.9" x 5.2" x 2.5"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $268.25 - (original price: $345.)
This natural color decorator specimen of labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its upper surface. This beautiful labradorite specimen has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in all natural color shades of blue, green and gold.

Fine Labradorite Decorator Specimen (all polished)

Code: labh260
This polished labradorite specimen weighs 5.5 Lbs
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 6.4" x 5.5" x 3.0"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $298.25 - (original price: $362.50)
This beautiful specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of jewelry grade on its front surface. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it with gold and green colors as well as a small amount of blue and purple!

Large Labradorite Decorator Mineral Specimen

Code: labh272
This unique labradorite specimen weighs 6.2 Lbs
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 6.5" x 5.4" x 2.9"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $314.95 - (original price: $375.)
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its front and back surfaces. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it in all natural color shades of blue, green and gold. This beautiful labradorite stands up. See also an opposite side view this unique polished large labradorite decorator specimen.

Large Blue and Gold Labradorite Decorator Specimen

Code: labh289
This unique labradorite specimen weighs 9.5 Lbs
Labradorite Specimen Dimensions: 9.1" x 5.7" x 3.6"
This genuine labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $488.25 - (original price: $645.)
This unique specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its front and back surfaces. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its rich "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out amazingly at different angles as you turn it in all natural color shades of beautiful blue and gold.

Large Fine Labradorite Decorator Specimen

Code: labh275
This unique labradorite specimen weighs 16.2 Lbs
Polished Labradorite Dimensions: 9.5" tall x 8.5" x 3.5"
This natural color labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $815.00 - (original price: $1135.)
This wonderful decorator specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its front surface. This beautiful decorator specimen stands up in the position shown. It has been roughly hand-ground and polished to better show its beautiful blue and gold "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out from the front surface at different angles.

Large Fine Labradorite Specimen

Code: labh186
Natural Labradorite Specimen weighs 17.2 Lbs
Labradorite Dimensions: 13.2" x 8.4" x 3.7"
(335mm x 213mm x 94mm)
This unique labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $845.00 - (original price: $1175.)
This extra large size decorator specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas of fine jewelry quality on its front surface. This rare quality labradorite specimen has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its green, gold and blue "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles as you turn it.

Very Large Labradorite Decorator Specimen

Code: labh262
Natural Labradorite Specimen weighs 44.6 Lbs!
Labradorite Dimensions: 13.5" x 12" x 6"
This unique labradorite specimen was mined in Madagascar
Price: $1545.00 - (original price: $1995.)
This large size decorator specimen of natural color labradorite feldspar (also known as spectrolite) has large colorful areas on its front surface. This large labradorite decorator specimen has been roughly hand-ground and polished on all surfaces to better show its green, gold and blue "color-play" (also known as labradorescence or schiller) that flashes out at different angles.

Labradorite Sphere, 2.9 inch diameter

Code: labs165
Genuine labradorite sphere weighing 1.2 pounds
Labradorite Sphere Dimensions: 2.9 inches in diameter
Handcrafted from natural labradorite rough mined in Madagascar
Price: $122.50
This 2.9 inch labradorite sphere was hand-ground & polished from natural labradorite rough that was mined in Madagascar. This sphere shows a "play of color" in beautiful deep blue (also known as schiller or labradorescence) in some areas of its surface. See also an opposite side view of this natural color labradorite sphere.

Labradorite Sphere, 5.2 inch diameter

Code: labs156
Genuine labradorite sphere weighing 7.4 pounds
Labradorite Sphere Dimensions: 5.2 inches in diameter
Handcrafted from natural labradorite rough mined in Madagascar
Price: $642.25
This large labradorite sphere was hand-ground & polished from natural labradorite rough that was mined in Madagascar. It shows a "play of colors" (also known as schiller or labradorescence) over some of its surface. The colors are in shades of blue, green and gold.

Giant Labradorite Sphere, 14 inch diameter

Code: labs161
Genuine labradorite sphere weighing 151 pounds
Labradorite Sphere Dimensions:14 inches in diameter
Handcrafted from natural labradorite rough mined in Madagascar
Price: $14798.00
This giant labradorite sphere was hand-ground & polished from natural labradorite rough that was mined in Madagascar. It shows a "play of colors" (also known as schiller or labradorescence) in some areas of its surface as shown. The beautiful colors are in shades of blue, green and gold. See also another view of this natural color giant labradorite sphere. This is truly a spectacular decorator sphere!

Large Labradorite Pendant in Sterling Silver

Code: labj327_labradorite-jewelry
This natural labradorite pendant is 1.8" long x 0.8" wide (46mm x 21mm)
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $98.25
This unique labradorite pendant was hand-crafted in 925 sterling silver and bezel set with an open back under a 32x19mm oval shape cabochon gemstone of genuine labradorite. The labradorite is natural color; it is unheated and untreated with natural greenish-blue iridescent colors at certain angles and also a small golden-purple-pink area at the bottom!

Large Labradorite Sterling Silver Pendant

Code: labj328_labradorite-jewelry
This natural labradorite pendant is 2.2" long x 1.2" wide (55mm x 31mm)
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $126.95
This unique labradorite pendant is bezel set with an open back under a 39x30mm cabochon gemstone of genuine labradorite. Each of our labradorite pendants was handcrafted in 925 sterling silver. The free-form shape labradorite gem in this pendant is 100% natural color; it is unheated and untreated with natural blue and green iridescent colors.

Very Large Labradorite Sterling Silver Pendant

This unique item is sold.
Code: labj329_labradorite-jewelry
This genuine labradorite pendant is 2.8" long x 1" wide (70mm x 26mm)
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $154.25
This unique labradorite pendant is bezel set with an open back under a 57x24mm oval cabochon gemstone of natural labradorite. Each of our labradorite pendants was handcrafted in 925 sterling silver. The large oval shaped labradorite gem in this pendant is 100% natural color; it is unheated and untreated with natural blue iridescent color at certain angles.

Labradorite Pendant in Sterling Silver

Code: labj306a_labradorite-jewelry
This natural labradorite pendant is 2" long x 0.7" wide (51mm x 19mm)
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $84.25
This lovely labradorite pendant was hand-crafted in 925 sterling silver and set with two gems of natural color labradorite with beautiful green and blue flashes of natural iridescent color. At the top this beautiful pendant is set with a 16x12mm pear shape cabochon gem of genuine labradorite, with a 7mm round faceted gem of genuine labradorite set down at the bottom of the pendant.

Large Labradorite Multi-Gem Pendant

Code: labj279_labradorite-jewelry-pendant
This natural labradorite pendant is 2.4" long x 0.8" wide (60mm x 20mm)
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $98.25
This beautiful labradorite pendant was hand-crafted in sterling silver and set with three cabochon gemstones of natural labradorite with beautiful greenish-blue flashes of natural iridescent color, these natural labradorite gems measure from 9x7mm up to 16x8mm.

Heavy Sterling Silver Labradorite Ring, size 8

Code: labj242_labradorite-jewelry-ring
This genuine labradorite ring is a ring size 8
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $81.25
This beautiful labradorite ring was hand-crafted in sterling silver and set with a 14x10mm oval shaped cabochon gem of natural labradorite with blue-green flashes of iridescent natural color. See also a view of this natural labradorite ring from above.

Heavy Sterling Silver Labradorite Ring, size 8

Code: labj203a_labradorite-jewelry-ring
This genuine labradorite ring is a ring size 8
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $92.25
This heavy sterling silver ring is set with a 16x12mm oval shaped cabochon gem of natural labradorite. Each of our labradorite rings was handcrafted in 925 sterling silver. This beautiful labradorite ring has rich blue flashes of natural iridescent color. See also a side view photo of this genuine labradorite ring.

Large Multi-Gem Labradorite Pendant

This unique item is sold.
Code: labj245-e
This genuine labradorite pendant is 2.6" long x 0.7" wide (65mm x 18mm)
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $165.25
This beautiful labradorite pendant was hand-crafted in sterling silver and set with two larger oval shaped cabochon gems of natural labradorite measuring 14x10mm and 11x9mm, and with a smaller 7x5mm faceted gem of natural labradorite at the bottom. The wonderful gems in this genuine labradorite jewelry design have rich blue and green flashes of iridescent natural color.

Labradorite Necklace of Drop Shaped Beads

Code: labj250x_labradorite-necklace
This natural labradorite necklace is 18 inches long with beads averaging 8mm long
Price: $34.95
This genuine labradorite necklace was hand-crafted from natural labradorite of superior quality (also known as spectrolite). This high quality labradorite is semi-transparent to transparent with occasional blue, green & gold flashes of beautiful iridescent natural color. The labradorite was hand-ground and polished into drop shaped beads which were then drilled and strung in this lovely 18" labradorite necklace with a sterling silver clasp. The photo at left shows a close-up view. See also a full view of this natural labradorite bead necklace.

Large Labradorite Pendant in Sterling Silver

Code: labj228_labradorite-jewelry
This genuine labradorite pendant is 2" long x 0.6" wide (53mm x 16.5mm)
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $68.25
This large labradorite jewelry pendant was hand-crafted in sterling silver and set with three gemstones of natural labradorite measuring from 6mm in diameter up to 13x7mm. These genuine labradorite gems have beautiful greenish-blue and golden flashes of natural iridescent color.

Large Labradorite Bracelet in Sterling Silver

This unique item is sold.
Code: labj331
This genuine labradorite bracelet has an adjustable length from 6.75" up to 8.5" long
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $161.25
This labradorite bracelet was hand-crafted in 925 sterling silver and set with nine gemstones of natural labradorite measuring 9x7mm each with beautiful blue flashes of natural iridescent color.

Large Labradorite Bracelet in Sterling Silver

Code: labj233_labradorite-jewelry-bracelet
This genuine labradorite bracelet has an adjustable length from 6.75" up to 8.25" long
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $238.25
This unique labradorite bracelet was hand-crafted in 925 sterling silver and set with nine gemstones of natural labradorite measuring from 16x9mm up to 21x12mm with beautiful blue and golden-green flashes of natural iridescent color!

Large Labradorite Bracelet in Sterling Silver

Code: labj234_labradorite-bracelet
This genuine labradorite bracelet has an adjustable length from 7.25" up to 8.5" long
Hand-ground and polished from natural labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $238.25
This natural labradorite bracelet is set with seven beautiful cabochon gemstones of natural labradorite with rich greenish-blue and golden flashes of natural iridescent color. Each of our labradorite bracelets was handcrafted in 925 sterling silver. The seven large size labradorite gemstones in this unique bracelet measure from 15x10mm up to 20x11mm.

Very Large Labradorite Bracelet in Sterling Silver

Code: labj286_labradorite-jewelry-bracelet
This natural labradorite bracelet has an adjustable length from 7" up to 8.5" long
hand-ground and polished from labradorite discovered in Madagascar
Price: $284.25
This large labradorite bracelet was hand-crafted in sterling silver and set with five large size beautiful cabochon gems of natural labradorite with rich green, gold and blue flashes of natural iridescent color. These five genuine labradorite gemstones measure from 25x14mm up to 30x21mm in size. See also a full view of this natural labradorite bracelet.

Blue Labradorite Bracelet in Sterling Silver

Code: labj332
This genuine labradorite bracelet has an adjustable length from 6.25" up to 7.25" long
Hand-ground and polished from natural color labradorite mined in Madagascar
Price: $214.95
This unique labradorite bracelet was hand-crafted in 925 sterling silver and set with five large pear shaped cabochon gems of natural color labradorite with beautiful blue flashes of natural iridescent color! These five genuine labradorite gemstones measure from 18x11mm up to 23x12mm in size. See also a full view of this genuine labradorite bracelet.

Round Labradorite Necklace, 18 inch

Code: labj193_labradorite-jewelry-necklace
This genuine labradorite necklace is 18 inches long, available with 5.5mm and with 7mm diameter beads
This natural labradorite necklace was hand-crafted from very high-grade quality natural labradorite (also known as spectrolite). The beads in this rare quality labradorite necklace are semi-transparent to transparent with occasional blue, green & gold flashes of beautiful iridescent natural color. The labradorite was hand-ground and polished into round shaped beads which were then drilled and strung in this lovely 18" labradorite necklace with a sterling silver clasp. The photo at left shows a close-up view. See also a full view of this natural labradorite necklace. We have these round bead labradorite necklaces available with 5.5mm diameter beads, and also in a much larger 7mm bead diameter size. Please see below to order.
5.5mm Round Labradorite Necklace, 18 inch

Code: labj193a_labradorite-jewelry-necklace
Price: $38.95

7mm Round Labradorite Necklace, 18 inch

Code: labj193xa_labradorite-jewelry-necklace
Price: $68.25

Labradorite Necklace of Tire Shape Beads, 18 inch

Code: labj216x_labradorite-necklace
This labradorite necklace is 18 inches long, available in 4.5mm and 5.5mm bead sizes
This rare quality labradorite bead necklace was hand-crafted from a very high-grade quality of natural labradorite (also known as spectrolite) which is actually transparent! This natural labradorite has occasional blue, green & gold flashes of beautiful iridescent natural color. The labradorite was hand-ground and polished into tire shaped beads which were then drilled and strung into this 18" long labradorite necklace with a sterling silver clasp. The photo at left shows a close-up view. See also a full view of this natural labradorite necklace of tire shaped beads. We have this labradorite necklace available in two bead diameter sizes: 4.5mm and 5.5mm, please see below to order.
4.5mm Labradorite Necklace of Tire Shape Beads

Code: labj216b
Price: $38.25

5.5mm Labradorite Necklace of Tire Shape Beads

Code: labj216d
Price: $54.25

Labradorite Necklace with Disk Shape Beads, 18"

Code: labj124x_labradorite-necklace
This genuine labradorite necklace is 18 inches long, available in 8mm and in 9mm bead sizes
This beautiful labradorite bead necklace was hand-crafted from a very high-grade quality of natural labradorite (also known as spectrolite) which is actually semi-transparent to transparent! This rare quality labradorite has occasional blue, green & gold flashes of beautiful iridescent color. The labradorite was ground and polished into disk shaped beads which were then drilled and strung in this 18" long labradorite necklace with a sterling silver clasp. The photo at left shows a close-up view. See also a full view of this genuine labradorite necklace. We have this labradorite necklace available in two bead diameter sizes: 8mm and 9mm, please see below to order.
8mm Labradorite Necklace with Disk Shape Beads

Code: labj124aa_labradorite-necklace
Price: $158.25

9mm Labradorite Necklace with Disk Shape Beads

Code: labj124i_labradorite-necklace
Price: $104.25

Labradorite Bead Necklace, 18 inch

Code: labj116x_labradorite-necklace
This genuine labradorite necklace is 18 inches long
Price: $16.95
Superior quality labradorite pieces mined in Madagascar were tumbled and polished in baroque shapes, and then drilled and strung in this 18" (45cm) long labradorite necklace with a sterling silver clasp. These labradorite beads are semi-transparent to transparent, with beautiful flashes of gold, green and blue! There are approximately 180 drilled baroque beads in each of these genuine labradorite necklaces. The photo at left shows a close-up view. See also a full view of this genuine labradorite necklace.

You can see our entire inventory of Baroque Bead Necklaces available in a wide variety of natural gem materials.

36 inch Labradorite Baroque Necklace

Code: labj109x_labradorite-necklace
Price: $16.95
Natural labradorite pieces from Madagascar with beautiful flashes of blues, greens and golds were tumbled and polished in baroque shapes, and then drilled and strung into this 36 inch (90cm) "endless" labradorite necklace. There are approximately 320 drilled baroque beads in each of these natural labradorite necklaces. The photo at left shows a close-up view. See also a full view of this genuine labradorite necklace. These necklaces of baroque shaped labradorite beads make great gifts!
We also have baroque bead necklaces in amethyst, apatite, green aventurine, carnelian, citrine, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, peridot, rock crystal, rose quartz, smoky quartz, tanzanite, multi-color tourmaline and others.

This is the end of our page displaying Labradorite Polished Pieces and Handcrafted Labradorite Gift Ideas.

Our Labradorite Polished Pieces and Handcrafted Labradorite Gifts are all natural color labradorite!

Would you like us to inform you when we more natural labradorite polished pieces?

We also offer handcrafted gifts of several dozen other natural mineral varieties including polished Malachite Decorator Mineral Specimens and lapis Lazuli Decorator Specimens.

To learn more about natural labradorite see our labradorite feldspar information page.

Please see the links below for natural labradorite products including labradorite spheres, mineral specimens and lapidary grade polished labradorite pieces!

See also our page displaying genuine Labradorite Jewelry items.

Labradorite Information

Useful information about labradorite feldspar and its history, labradorite physical properties, chemistry, labradorite geologic occurance, and labradorite metaphysical information & uses is displayed on our labradorite information page.

To see more labradorite feldspar photos, just select another linked image displayed below.

To see photos of another mineral variety, select any link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.

Facts & Information

Labradorite Mineral Specimens & other Genuine Labradorite Products in our Online Store

Labradorite Handcrafted Gifts

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We do have additional inventory of natural color labradorite items in stock, so be sure to let us know if you have any special requests for genuine labradorite handcrafted & polished items. Please contact our webmaster, concerning genuine labradorite or our 'site' geologist with any questions or comments.

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Last Updated: September 25, 2024
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