Indochinite  Tektite

Natural Tektite Specimens: Libyan Desert Glass Tektites and Indochinite Tektites (including some very rare size large tektites)

Genuine Tektites (Moldavites, Indochinites & Libyan Desert Glass Tektites) and related Tektite products in our Online Store

The® Virtual Tektite Gallery - Collector Quality Libyan Desert Glass, Indochinites & Moldavites At Miners' Prices!TM

Natural Indochinite Tektite Specimens, Moldavite & Libyan Desert Glass

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Select any of our genuine tektite images below to enlarge it.

Natural Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, 7.72 grams

Code: tekm243
This genuine Libyan Desert Glass tektite weighs 7.72 grams
Libyan Desert Tektite Dimensions: 1.6" x 0.7" x 0.4"
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $48.25
This is a natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It is translucent to semi-transparent with interesting natural surface features and natural inclusions. See an opposite side view of this unique specimen of natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It has wind-blown sand sculpted natural surface features in very good condition and very pale golden yellow natural color. Libyan desert glass tektites are a wind sculpted silica-rich natural glass thought by scientists to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago.

Natural Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, 12.9 grams

Code: tekm241
This genuine Libyan Desert Glass tektite weighs 12.9 grams
Libyan Desert Tektite Dimensions: 1.3" x 0.9" x 0.8"
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $63.85
This is a natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It is semi-transparent to transparent with natural surface features and natural inclusions. It has wind-blown sand sculpted natural surface features in very good condition and light golden yellow natural color. Libyan desert glass tektites are a wind sculpted silica-rich natural glass thought by scientists to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago.

Natural Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, 13.2 grams

This unique item is sold.
Code: tekm232
This genuine Libyan Desert Glass tektite weighs 13.2 grams
Libyan Desert Tektite Dimensions: 1.2" x 1.1" x 0.8"
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $82.50
This is a natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It is semi-transparent with interesting natural surface features and natural inclusions. See an opposite side view of this fine specimen of natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It has wind-blown sand sculpted natural surface features in very good condition and light golden yellow natural color. Libyan desert glass tektites are a wind sculpted silica-rich natural glass thought by scientists to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago.

Natural Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, 14.58 grams

Code: tekm242
This genuine Libyan Desert Glass tektite weighs 14.58 grams
Libyan Desert Tektite Dimensions: 1.3" x 1" x 0.8"
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $115.91
This is a natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It is semi-transparent to transparent with interesting natural surface features and natural inclusions. See an opposite side view of this fine specimen of natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It has wind-blown sand sculpted natural surface features in very good condition and light golden yellow natural color. Libyan desert glass tektites are a wind sculpted silica-rich natural glass thought by scientists to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago.

Natural Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, 18.8 grams

Code: tekm244
This genuine Libyan Desert Glass tektite weighs 18.8 grams
Libyan Desert Tektite Dimensions: 1.5" x 0.9" x 0.8"
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $168.25
This rare quality natural Libyan desert glass tektite is transparent with interesting natural surface features and natural inclusions. See also an opposite side view of this unique Libyan desert glass tektite. It has wind-blown sand sculpted natural surface features in good condition and light golden yellow natural color. Libyan desert glass tektites are a wind sculpted silica-rich natural glass thought by scientists to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago.

Natural Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, 30.54 grams

Code: tekm246
This genuine Libyan Desert Glass tektite weighs 30.54 grams
Libyan Desert Tektite Dimensions: 2.1" x 1.1" x 0.7"
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $212.25
This is a natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It is translucent to semi-transparent with interesting natural surface features and natural inclusions. See an opposite side view of this unique specimen of natural Libyan desert glass tektite. It has wind-blown sand sculpted natural surface features in very good condition and light golden yellow natural color. Libyan desert glass tektites are a wind sculpted silica-rich natural glass thought by scientists to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago.

Natural Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, 25.9 grams

Code: tekm245
This genuine Libyan Desert Glass tektite weighs 25.9 grams
Libyan Desert Tektite Dimensions: 1.6" x 1.3" x 1.1"
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $214.95
This rare quality natural Libyan desert glass tektite is semi-transparent with interesting natural surface features and natural inclusions. See also an opposite side view of this natural specimen of Libyan desert glass. It has wind-blown sand sculpted natural surface features in very good condition and light golden yellow natural color. Libyan desert glass tektites are a wind sculpted silica-rich natural glass thought by scientists to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago.

Natural Libyan Desert Glass Tektite, 59.25 grams

Code: tekm235
This genuine Libyan Desert Glass tektite weighs 59.25 grams
Libyan Desert Tektite Dimensions: 2.4" x 1.7" x 1.25"
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $461.25
This fine quality natural Libyan desert glass tektite is semi-transparent to transparent with internal layers of inclusions and very interesting surface features. All surfaces are covered with wind-blown sand sculpted surface features in good condition and the bottom surface has some very nice naturally crusted areas. See a bottom side view of this fine quality specimen of natural Libyan desert glass. Some of the deeper surface features still have some arenacious material inside. This natural tektite has golden natural color. Libyan desert glass tektites are a wind sculpted silica-rich natural glass thought by scientists to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago.

Natural Tektites (Indochinites), with Irregular Rounded Shapes, in 2 sizes

Code: tekm107x
Available in 1.75" to 2" size (please see below)
Discovered at Bao Loc, Vietnam
These natural tektites were collected in Vietnam. They are opaque and have irregular natural rounded shapes with natural pitted surfaces. They are known as "Indochinites", and have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that the tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on the earth. The tektites then formed when molten material, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.
We have them available in 1.75" to 2" long size (sizes are approximate). Please see below to order.
Tektites (Indochinites), 1.75 to 2 inches

Code: tekm107c
Price: $18.95 each

Natural Tektites (Indochinites), with Elongate Drop-Like Shapes, in 3 sizes

Code: tekm157x
available in 4 sizes: 2.5" long, 2.8" long, 3.2" long and 3.5" long!
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
These natural tektites were collected in China. They have irregular elongate natural shapes that taper towards one end (drop-like shapes) with natural pitted surfaces. They are known as "Indochinites" (sometimes also called "australiasia" tektites), and have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that the tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on the earth. The tektites then formed when molten material, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.
We have four approximate sizes available: 2.5" long, 2.8" long, 3.2" long, and 3.5" long (sizes are approximate). Please see below to order.
Tektites (Indochinites), 2.5 inch Elongate Form

Code: tekm157ac
Price: $24.95 each

Tektites (Indochinites), 2.8 inch Elongate Form

Code: tekm157ae
Price: $31.25 each

Tektites (Indochinites), 3.2 inch Elongate Form

Code: tekm157ai
Price: $38.95 each

Tektites (Indochinites), 3.5 inch Elongate Form

Code: tekm157am
Price: $48.95 each

Natural Tektite Specimen

Code: tekm236
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 2.5" x 0.8" x 0.75"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $34.95
This natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and has a elongate dumbell-like shape that becomes larger toward each end with numerous interesting aerial surface features in very good condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Natural Tektite Specimen

Code: tekm223
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 2.9" x 1.1" x 1"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $38.95
This natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and has a elongate shape with numerous interesting aerial surface features in very good condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Natural Tektite Specimen

Code: tekm206
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 3.2" x 1" x 0.9"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $38.95
This natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and has a curving drop-like shape with numerous interesting aerial surface features in very good condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Natural Indochinite Tektite Specimen

Code: tekm237
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 2.9" x 1.1" x 1"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $44.95
This natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and has a elongate drop-like shape with very interesting aerial surface features in very good condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Natural Tektite Specimen

Code: tekm226_tektite
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 2.1" x 1.8" x 0.9"
Discovered at Bao Loc, Vietnam
Price: $62.50
This natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and has a flattened rounded shape with numerous interesting aerial surface features in excellent condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Natural Tektite Specimen

Code: tekm224
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 3.7" x 1.1" x 1"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $68.50
This natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and has a elongate shape that becomes larger toward each end with interesting aerial surface features in very good condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Large Natural Indochinite Tektite

Code: tekm238
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 3.9" long x 1" x 0.9"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $98.50
This large size natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and has a long dumbell-like shape with numerous interesting aerial surface features in excellent condition! This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Large Natural Tektite Specimen

Code: tekm228
This genuine indochinite tektite weighs 131.3 grams
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 4.2" x 1.2" x 1.2"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $131.50
This natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and has an elongate shape that is slightly larger at each end with numerous interesting aerial surface features in good condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Large Natural Indochinite Tektite Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: tekm239-e
This genuine indochinite tektite weighs 225.8 grams!
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 3" x 2.9" x 1.2"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $270.20
This natural Indochinite tektite is opaque with a very large disc-like shape. There are numerous interesting aerial surface features as well in very good condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features. See also an opposite side view of this rare collectable large indochinite tektite.

Very Large Natural Indochinite Tektite

Code: tekm230_tektite
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 5" long x 1.2" x 0.9"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $214.95
This rare size natural Indochinite tektite is opaque and measures 5 inches long with numerous interesting aerial surface features in excellent condition! This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

Very Large Natural Indochinite Tektite Specimen

Code: tekm240
This genuine indochinite tektite weighs 284 grams
Indochinite Tektite Dimensions: 3.3" x 3.2" x 1.2"
Discovered at Maoming, Guangdong Province, China
Price: $281.50
This rare size natural Indochinite tektite is opaque with a very large flattened disk-like shape with very slight hollows in the center on one side. There are numerous interesting aerial surface features in very good condition. This tektite is known as an "Indochinite", which have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that this tektite's origin is the result of meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features. See also an opposite side view of this rare collectable extra large indochinite tektite.

Natural Moldavite Specimen, 11.20 grams

Code: molm457_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 11.20 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.25" x 0.8" x 0.7"
(32mm x 20mm x 18mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $338.25
This unique piece of natural raw moldavite has natural green color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition.

Natural Moldavite Specimen, 11.87 grams

Code: molm456_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 11.87 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.5" x 1" x 0.5"
(38.5mm x 27mm x 12.5mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $358.50
This unique piece of natural moldavite has natural green color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition.

Natural Moldavite Specimen, 12.63 grams

Code: molm458_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 12.63 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.4" x 0.95" x 0.5"
(36.5mm x 24mm x 12mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $381.95
This large specimen of natural moldavite has natural green color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. At one edge, this unique moldavite has a small natural opening that passes through the moldavite. See a close-up showing the opening passing through this natural moldavite specimen. See also an opposite side view of this natural moldavite specimen.

Natural Moldavite Specimen, 16.54 grams

Code: molm439_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 16.54 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.9" x 1.2" x 0.5"
(48mm x 31mm x 13mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $528.45
This large size piece of natural raw moldavite has rich green natural color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. The photo at left is back-lit, see also a front-lit view of this natural moldavite specimen.

Natural Moldavite Specimen, 17.94 grams

Code: molm440_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 17.94 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.6" x 1.25" x 0.55"
(40mm x 32mm x 14mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $572.25
This large size piece of natural moldavite has rich green natural color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. The photo at left is back-lit, see also a front-lit view of this natural moldavite specimen.

Natural Moldavite Specimen, 20.22 grams

Code: molm459_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 20.22 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.7" x 1.5" x 0.6"
(43mm x 38mm x 15mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $697.50
This rare size piece of natural raw moldavite has natural green color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. See also an opposite view of this fine collector quality genuine moldavite specimen.

Natural Moldavite Specimen, 21.72 grams

Code: molm461_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 21.72 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.6" x 1.2" x 0.6"
(41mm x 31mm x 15mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $758.95
This rare size piece of natural moldavite has natural green color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. See also an opposite view of this fine collector quality large natural moldavite specimen.

Natural Moldavite Specimen, 21.8 grams

Code: molm442_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 21.80 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.65" x 1.1" x 0.7"
(42mm x 28mm x 17mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $761.25
This rare size piece of natural moldavite has rich green natural color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. See also an opposite side view of this large natural moldavite specimen.

Large Natural Moldavite, 22.62 grams

This unique item is sold.
Code: molm460-e
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 22.62 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.5" x 1.2" x 0.7"
(39mm x 30mm x 18mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $924.20
This rare size piece of natural moldavite has rich green natural color and gem-grade transparency inside. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. The photo at left is back-lit, see also a front-lit view of this large natural moldavite specimen.

2.4 inch Natural Moldavite

This unique item is sold.
Code: molm448-e
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 26.64 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 2.4" x 1.4" x 0.5"
(61mm x 36mm x 13mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $1465.20
This rare size piece of natural moldavite has rich green natural color and gem-grade transparency inside with a very interesting shape. The surfaces of this unique moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in good condition. See also an opposite side view of this large natural moldavite specimen.

Extra Large Natural Moldavite Specimen, 3 inches long!

Code: molm471_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 28.72 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 3" x 1" x 10.6"
(76mm x 26.5mm x 15mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $1565.00
This rare size extra large piece of natural moldavite has rich green natural color and gem-grade transparency inside. See a back-lit view of this fine collector quality large moldavite. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. See also an opposite side view of this large natural moldavite.

Extra Large Natural Moldavite Specimen, 30.25 grams

Code: molm472_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 30.25 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 2.45" x 1.6" x 0.55"
(62mm x 41mm x 14mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $1648.00
This rare size extra large piece of natural moldavite has natural green color and gem-grade transparency inside with a very nice curving triangular shape. The photo at left is a back-lit view, see also a front-lit view of this extra large natural moldavite specimen. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. See also an opposite side view of this extra large natural moldavite specimen.

Extra Large Natural Moldavite Specimen, 30.44 grams

Code: molm473_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 30.44 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 1.7" x 1.6" x 0.65"
(44mm x 42mm x 16mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $1658.00
This rare size extra large moldavite specimen has natural green color and gem-grade transparency inside. The photo at left is a back-lit view, see also a front-lit view of this extra large natural moldavite specimen. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. See also an opposite side view of this extra large natural moldavite specimen.

Extra Large Natural Moldavite Specimen, 31.39 grams

Code: molm474_moldavite
This genuine moldavite specimen weighs 31.39 grams
Moldavite Dimensions: 2" x 1.5" x 0.6"
(50mm x 39mm x 15mm)
Discovered at Chlum, Czech Republic
Price: $1755.00
This rare size extra large moldavite specimen has natural green color and gem-grade transparency inside with a slightly curving shape. The photo at left is a back-lit view, see also a front-lit view of this fine collector extra large natural moldavite specimen. The surfaces of this fine quality moldavite specimen are covered by natural etchings in very good condition. See also an opposite side view of this extra large natural moldavite specimen.

Genuine Libyan Desert Tektite Sphere

Code: teks106
This Libyan Desert Glass tektite sphere weighs 44.3 grams
1.33 inch diameter (33.7mm)
Discovered in the Libyan Desert, Egypt
Price: $1195.00
This is a rare genuine Libyan desert glass tektite sphere. It is semi-transparent with a good quality finish and rich greenish yellow color. Trapped within this rare tektite sphere are some white cristobalite spherules with both individual spherules and stringers. Libyan desert glass tektites are thought to have been formed by the intense heat produced during a meteoric aerial burst over sand dunes in western Egypt approximately 28.5 million years ago. See also an opposite side view of this rare collectable Libyan desert glass tektite sphere.

Our Tektites are all 100% natural:
Libyan Desert Glass Tektites, Indochinite Tektites, and other Natural Tektites including Moldavite

We offer a large selection of natural moldavite jewelry. See also our genuine meteorite jewelry page.

Natural Tektites

We specialize in real tektites found by careful searching in the known tektite strewn fields. The most famous of the tektites are Moldavite, Libyan Desert Glass Tektites, and Indochinite Tektites. These natural tektites are very popular for metaphysical purposes, and they are also highly prized by mineral collectors & meteorite collectors.

Right now, we are offering 100% natural raw tektites in assorted sizes including some very rare size large tektites!

Be sure to also see also our online selection of natural tektite jewelry!


Moldavite is a transparent natural green tektite found in the Moldavia Region of the Czeck Republic. See our selection of natural moldavite specimens. See also our pages displaying natural moldavite jewelry where you will discover beautiful moldavite bracelets, and a large selection of styles and sizes available in moldavite necklaces and moldavite rings.

Libyan Desert Glass Tektites

Libyan desert glass is a golden-yellow tektite from a strewn field in the Great Sand Sea of the Sahara Desert region in eastern Libya and western Egypt.

Libyan desert glass tektites are found mainly in an arid uninhabited region of tall sief dunes. Local prospectors find these wonderful impactites on exposed bedrock between the dunes. Wind blown desert sands sculpt these attractive tektites into unique shapes with semi-polished natural surfaces. This region is one of Earth's most inhospitable places, and those adventurous enough to trek to this uninhabited region in search of these Lybian desert glass tektites must endure severe dehydration in the dry desert heat - finding a medjool date palm oasis is not likely to happen!

Indochinite Tektites

Indochinite tektites are also known as Australasian tektites and as Guangdong tektites. They are found in a huge strewn field loacted in south-east asia. Indochinites have been shown by K-Ar radiometric age dating to be approximately 700,000 years old. Scientists believe that these tektites originated from a meteorite impact on terrestial rocks. The tektite then formed when molten rock, created by the meteorite's hyper-velocity impact, flew through the air hardening into natural glass with aerodynamic forms and surface features.

We also offer natural meteorites.


Geologists believe that tektites were formed from extreme heat and pressure produced during a meteorite impact on the surface of the earth, which could have melted both the meteor and the surface of the earth itself, fusing them together in a natural glass tektite which would have cooled and hardened very quickly while it fell back down to the earth after the meteorite's explosive impact.

To see more tektite photos, just select another linked tektite image below. To see photos of another mineral variety, select any link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.

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We do have more natural Libyan desert glass tektites, natural moldavite, and natural indochinite tektites in stock at our mineral warehouses, so be sure to let us know if you have any genuine tektite special requests. Please contact our webmaster or our 'site' geologist with any questions or comments.

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Last Updated: October 21st, 2024
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