Dumortierite in Quartzite Mineral Specimen

Dumortierite Mineral Specimens: natural color blue dumortierite grains in quartzite matrix

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Dumortierite Mineral Specimens
(natural color dumortierite grains in quartzite)

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Click on any dumortierite mineral specimen image below to enlarge it.

Natural Color Dumortierite in Quartzite Rough Specimen

Code: avbl164
Blue aventurine rough specimen weighs 3.9 Lbs
Blue Aventurine Size: 8.5" x 6" x 2.7"
Mined in Brazil
Price: $36.95
This specimen of natural color dumortierite in quartzite (also known as blue aventurine quartz) has a relatively thin flat shape. See an opposite side view of this blue aventurine rough specimen. It makes a great specimen of dumortierite in quartzite just as it is, although it also is lapidary grade and would yield a large beautiful carving. This rough specimen has a light grayish-blue matrix with intense blue layers of dumortierite passing thru it forming unique patterns. The blue color is best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (these photos were taken while wet). In its natural dry state this rough has a dull gray blue color. This superior grade piece of lapidary rough would make a great specimen of natural color blue aventurine quartz just as it is, although it could also yield a nice blue aventurine quartz carving, with plenty of scraps left over for making blue aventurine cabochon gems.

Our natural color blue aventurine quartz pieces are spectacular when used in fountains, landscaped waterfalls, aquariums, etc... where the intense blue natural color of this rough is so amazing in the water! We also have blue aventurine quartz pieces available in bulk volume for large scale landscaping projects, etc. Please contact us for more details.

Natural Blue Aventurine Rough Specimen

This unique item is sold.
Code: avbl158
Blue aventurine rough specimen weighs 13.9 Lbs
Blue Aventurine Size: 9.5" x 7.3" x 7.3"
Mined in Brazil
Price: $95.21
This specimen of natural color dumortierite in quartzite (also known as blue aventurine quartz) has a surface coating of dark oxide minerals on part of the opposite side. See an opposite side view of this blue aventurine rough specimen. It makes a great specimen of dumortierite in quartzite just as it is, although it could also yield a wonderful large carving or a very nice 4 inch diameter blue aventurine sphere. This rough specimen has a light grayish-blue matrix with intense blue layers of dumortierite passing thru it forming unique patterns. The blue color is best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (these photos were taken while wet). In its natural dry state this rough has a dull gray blue color. This superior grade piece of lapidary rough would make a great specimen of natural color blue aventurine quartz just as it is, although it could also yield a nice blue aventurine quartz carving, with plenty of scraps left over for making blue aventurine cabochon gems.

Natural Color Blue Dumortierite in Quartzite Rough Specimen

Code: avbl165
Blue aventurine rough specimen weighs 16.4 Lbs
Blue Aventurine Size: 12.5" x 7.5" x 5"
Mined in Brazil
Price: $112.34
This specimen of natural color dumortierite in quartzite (also known as blue aventurine quartz) makes a great decorator specimen of dumortierite in quartzite just as it is, although it also is lapidary grade and would yield a couple of large beautiful carvings. See an opposite side view of this blue aventurine quartz rough. This rough specimen has a light grayish-blue matrix with intense blue layers of dumortierite passing thru it forming unique patterns. The blue color is best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (these photos were taken while wet). In its natural dry state this rough has a dull gray blue color.

Our natural color blue aventurine quartz pieces are spectacular when used in fountains, landscaped waterfalls, aquariums, etc... where the intense blue natural color of this rough is so amazing in the water! We also have blue aventurine quartz pieces available in bulk volume for large scale landscaping projects, etc. Please contact us for more details.

Natural Blue Aventurine Rough Specimen

Code: avbl160
Blue aventurine rough specimen weighs 19.0 Lbs
Blue Aventurine Size: 12.5" x 8" x 5.5"
Mined in Brazil
Price: $128.25
This is a specimen of natural color dumortierite in quartzite (also known as blue aventurine quartz). See an opposite side view of this blue aventurine specimen. This natural color blue aventurine rough specimen has a light grayish-blue matrix with intense blue layers of dumortierite passing thru it in unique patterns. The blue color is best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (these photos were taken while wet). In its natural dry state this rough has a dull gray blue color. It makes a great decorator mineral specimen of dumortierite in quartzite just as it is, although this superior lapidary grade specimen could also yield a very unique carving!

Natural Blue Aventurine Rough Specimen

Code: avbl166
Blue aventurine rough specimen weighs 29.6 Lbs
Blue Aventurine Size: 15" x 8" x 6.5"
Mined in Brazil
Price: $199.80
This specimen of natural color dumortierite in quartzite (also known as blue aventurine quartz) has some very unique patterns. See a full view of this large blue aventurine decorator-mineral specimen. This natural color blue aventurine rough specimen has a light grayish-blue matrix with intense blue layers of dumortierite passing thru it forming unique patterns. The blue color is best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (these photos were taken while wet). In its natural dry state this rough has a dull gray blue color. It makes a great decorator mineral specimen of dumortierite in quartzite just as it is, although this superior lapidary grade specimen could also yield an amazing large carving! See also a side view of this unique blue aventurine decorator-mineral specimen.

Natural Blue Aventurine Rough Specimen

Code: avbl167
Blue aventurine rough specimen weighs 29.2 Lbs
Blue Aventurine Size: 16" x 11" x 6.5"
Mined in Brazil
Price: $197.10
This specimen of natural color dumortierite in quartzite (also known as blue aventurine quartz) would make a wonderful free-form carving! This natural color blue aventurine rough specimen has a light grayish-blue matrix with intense blue layers of dumortierite passing thru it forming unique patterns. The blue color is best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (these photos were taken while wet). In its natural dry state this rough has a dull gray blue color. It makes a great decorator mineral specimen of dumortierite in quartzite just as it is. See an opposite side view of this blue aventurine quartz rough specimen.

Our natural color blue aventurine quartz pieces are spectacular when used in fountains, landscaped waterfalls, aquariums, etc... where the intense blue natural color of this rough is so amazing in the water! We also have blue aventurine quartz pieces available in bulk volume for large scale landscaping projects, etc. Please contact us for more details.

Natural Blue Aventurine Rough Specimen

Code: avbl161
Blue aventurine rough specimen weighs 30.5 Lbs
Blue Aventurine Size: 12" x 11" x 6"
Mined in Brazil
Price: $205.87
This is a large lapidary grade specimen of natural color dumortierite in quartzite (also known as blue aventurine quartz). See an opposite side view of this blue aventurine rough specimen. This natural color raw blue aventurine rough specimen has a light grayish-blue matrix with intense blue layers of dumortierite passing thru it in unique patterns. The blue color is best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (these photos were taken while wet). In its natural dry state this rough has a dull gray blue color. It makes a great decorator mineral specimen of dumortierite in quartzite just as it is, although this superior lapidary grade specimen could also yield a very unique and beautiful carving!

Blue Aventurine Quartz Lapidary Rough

Code: avbl143
34.6 Lb blue aventurine rough specimen
Blue Aventurine Rough Size: 15.5" x 8.5" x 6.5"
Mined in Brazil
Price: $233.55
This unique specimen of raw natural color blue aventurine quartz lapidary rough has a medium grayish-blue matrix of quartzite with disseminated grains of blue dumortierite. There are intense blue dumortierite layers passing thru it forming unique patterns. The beautiful blue color of the dumortierite is best seen when this material is polished or when wet. It will yield wonderful bull's eyes when making spheres or carvings from this beautiful specimen. The blue colors are best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (the photo at left was taken while wet). In its natural dry state this rough has a dull gray blue color. This superior grade piece of lapidary rough will make a great decorator specimen of natural color blue aventurine quartz just as it is, although it would also yield several nice blue aventurine quartz spheres or a fantastic large carving, with plenty of scraps left over for making unique blue aventurine cabochon gems.

Our natural color blue aventurine quartz pieces are spectacular when used in fountains, landscaped waterfalls, aquariums, etc... because the intense blue natural color of this rough is so amazing when wet! We also have blue aventurine quartz pieces available in bulk for landscaping/lapidary projects, etc. Please contact us for more details.

Dumortierite in Quartzite

Code: dumm101x
Available in several different sizes (see below)
Mined in Bahia, Brazil
These small to medium size specimens of natural color blue dumortierite in quartzite matrix (also known as blue aventurine) were mined in Bahia, Brazil. They are completely natural - they have not been heated, dyed, oiled or treated in any way! They make great dumortierite mineral specimens just as they are, and they also are of superior lapidary grade and are suitable for making beautiful cabochon gems, spheres and unique carvings! The blue colors are best seen when this material is polished, or when wet (the photo at left was taken while wet). These dumortierite rough specimens are really spectacular when used in fountains, landscaped waterfalls, aquariums, etc... where the intense blue natural color of the dumortierite is so amazing in the water! These natural dumortierite specimens also are ideal for metaphysical uses - dumortierite is said to be very usefull in healing and regenerating the body and emotions. Dumortierite is also to help release toxins, and to aid in the transformation of old unwanted behavior patterns.
We have several different sizes available. Please see below to order.
Dumortierite in Quartzite, 4 inches

Code: dumm101xa
Price: $14.95 each

Dumortierite in Quartzite, 5 inches

Code: dumm101xe
Price: $21.95 each

Dumortierite in Quartzite, 6 inches

Code: dumm101xi
Price: $28.95 each


All of our Dumortierite in Quartzite Mineral Specimens are 100% Natural Color

See also our natural cats eye quartz mineral specimens and our lapidary grade aventurine rough specimens page.

Blue Aventurine Sphere: natural color blue aventurine quartz sphere

Green Aventurine Quartz Rough: natural color green aventurine lapidary grade rough specimen

See also our natural color green aventurine quartz mineral specimens.

Dumortierite Mineral Specimens

Each of our dumortierite in quartzite rough specimens is natural color, they are 100% unheated and untreated - just the way they formed inside the earth! Our dumortierite in quartz mineral specimens are all lapidary grade. Due to the unique banding patterns, each cabochon, carving or sphere made from this material is unique!

Dumortierite in quartz is a popular lapidary material, showing very attractive natural color blue patterns when polished or when wet.

Due to its relatively inexpensive price and beautiful color when wet, dumortierite in quartzite rough pieces are great for use in decorative landscaping as a natural color blue rock in gardens and fountains, aquariums, waterfalls and other indoor and outdoor landscape design & decoration projects.


We have additional inventory of dumortierite in quartzite rough specimens, collectable mineral spheres & carvings, as well as dumortierite in quartz lapidary rough. Our blue dumortierite in quartzite is actually called blue aventurine. It formed naturally under regional metamorphic conditions. The color is 100% natural, with no treatments of any kind. The blue color is due to tiny grains of dumortierite that crystallized within the quartzite.

See also our handcrafted green aventurine jewelry.

We have been mining professionally for gem materials for more than 35 years, and we have a very large variety of natural mineral specimens and lapidary rough available in many different minerals.

We also have some spectacular very large pegmatite matrix mineral specimens as well.

See our page with links to natural crystals of all mineral varieties! See also our pages with links to all of our polished crystals and our handcrafted mineral gifts.

We specialize in natural mineral specimens and crystals. See the links below for a selection of collector quality mineral specimens.

Natural Mineral Specimens

Dumortierite Mineral Specimens

Each one of our dumortierite specimens is completely natural with no treatments of any kind, and they were mined in Brazil. They are actually Dumortierite Mineral Specimens with disseminated grains of natural color blue dumortierite in quartzite matrix. You may have noticed that we have blue aventurine specimens in all sizes from just a few inches long to huge pieces weighing hundreds of pounds each! These are all natural blue dumortierite specimens. Here at mineralminers.com, we do not have any heated or treated dumortierite, each blue dumortierite specimen is 100% natural! The unique patterns and beautiful color of dumortierite in quartzite rough is visible when wet or when polished, and we specialize in superior quality natural blue dumortierite in quartz specimens of large size for use in gardens & landscaping as well as for lapidary use.

Blue Aventurine Information

Information about genuine blue aventurine and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses is displayed on our blue aventurine information page.

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Natural Color Blue Aventurine

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Dumortierite Mineral Specimens

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