Pink Sapphire Gemstones

Natural Pink Sapphire Gemstones: GIA Certified Pink Sapphire Gemstones, Purple-Pink Sapphire Gemstones & Purple Sapphire Gemstones (natural color)

We specialize in unheated pink sapphires!

Natural Pink Sapphire Items & other Natural Sapphire Gemstones in our Online Sapphire Store

The® Virtual Gallery - Fine Collector Quality Pink Sapphire Gemstones At Miners' Prices!TM

Pink Sapphire Gemstones
Genuine Pink Sapphire Gemstones & Purple Sapphire Gemstones

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Select any of the purple sapphire or pink sapphire gemstone images displayed below to enlarge them.

Natural Color Change Bi-Color Sapphire

Code: sblg168
Genuine sapphire gemstone weighs 1.01 carats
Sapphire Gem Dimensions: 5.8mm round x 3.9mm deep
Shape: faceted round
Mined and faceted in Madagascar
Price: $858.50
This unique sapphire collector gem has 100% natural color. It is both unheated and untreated. This unusual collector gem has dark blue body color with reddish color zoning! When viewed from the side this pleochroic sapphire has greenish color! Under some lights it faces up showing deep blue-violet color with reddish pink areas as shown at left. Under sunlight the body color changes to blue-green with reddish areas. See a photo of this natural color change sapphire gemstone taken under sunlight. This natural sapphire gem is well cut. It is lightly included and at certain angles shows a purplish-golden sheen (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade SI-VS). See an image showing this golden sheen sapphire gemstone. Our miners price for this natural color 1.01 carat color change bi-color sapphire gem is $850./carat = $858.50

GIA Certified Natural Color Pink Sapphire Gemstone, 1.95 carats

Code: spkg160
This natural color pink sapphire gemstone weighs exactly 1.59 carats
Pink Sapphire Gem Dimensions: 7.81mm x 6.16mm x 4.27mm deep
Shape: Faceted oval
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $2186.25
This GIA Certified natural color sapphire gemstone is very well faceted in an oval cut with very good brilliance from a natural color pink sapphire crystal that was mined in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). See another view of this beautiful GIA Certified natural color pink sapphire gemstone. This Ceylon sapphire gem is unheated and untreated with fine light to medium pink 100% natural color. This natural sapphire gem faces up completely clean to the eye, ands it shows faint natural inclusions under very close inspection with bright illumination (GIA: Type II Gem, VVS).
Our Special Offer price price for this natural color pink sapphire gemstone is $1375./carat x 1.59 carats = $2186.25

The GIA Certificate will accompany this gem when sold at no extra charge!

Natural Color Gold and Purple Sapphire Gemstone, 1.22 carats

Code: spkg145
This natural color gold and purple sapphire gem weighs 1.22 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 7.0mm x 5.6mm x 3.4mm deep
Shape: cushion cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $872.30
This unique natural sapphire collector gemstone is very well faceted in a cushion cut with good brilliance from a natural bi-color sapphire crystal with purple and gold natural color zoning. This gem was faceted so that one end of the gem has the natural color purple color zone and the rest of the gem has the natural color golden color zone! The colors mix and blend when the gem faces up yielding mostly light purple color with some golden zones as shown at left. See a view showing this gold and purple sapphire gemstone turned slightly. See a different view showing this gold and purple sapphire gemstone turned slightly the other way. See also an upside down view showing the distinct purple and gold color zones of this bi-color sapphire gemstone. This unique gold and purple sapphire gem is unheated and untreated. See also another view of this gold and purple bi-color sapphire gemstone. This natural sapphire gem is completely clean even under under close inspection (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: VVS).
Our Special Offerprice price for this unique natural color gold and purple sapphire gemstone is $715./carat x 1.22 carats = $872.30

Deep Purple-Pink Sapphire Gemstone, 0.92 carats

Code: spkg147
This natural color purple-pink sapphire gem weighs 0.92 carats
Purple-Pink Sapphire Gem Dimensions: 6.2mm x 5.5mm x 3.2mm deep
Shape: oval cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $552.00
This natural purple-pink sapphire gem is very well faceted in an oval cut with good brilliance from a natural color sapphire crystal that was mined in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). This purple-pink sapphire gem is unheated and untreated. This genuine sapphire gemstone has deep purple-pink natural color (100% natural color). This natural sapphire gem faces up eye clean, with very faint natural inclusions visible under under close inspection (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: VS).
Our miner's price price for this natural color purple-pink sapphire gemstone is $600./carat x 0.92 carats = $552.

GIA Certified Natural Color Pink Sapphire Gemstone, 1.95 carats

Code: spkg158
This natural color pink sapphire gemstone weighs exactly 1.95 carats
Pink Sapphire Gem Dimensions: 9.14mm x 6.05mm x 4.28mm deep
Shape: Faceted oval
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $2681.25
This GIA Certified natural color sapphire gem is very well faceted in an oval cut with very good brilliance from a natural color pink sapphire crystal that was mined in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). This Ceylon sapphire gem is unheated and untreated with fine medium purple-pink 100% natural color. This natural sapphire gem faces up clean to the eye, ands it shows faint natural inclusions under close inspection (GIA: Type II Gem, VS).
Our special offer price price for this natural color purple-pink sapphire gemstone is $1375./carat x 1.95 carats = $2681.25
The GIA Certificate will accompany this gem when sold at no extra charge.

Natural Purplish Pink Sapphire Gemstone, 2.24 carats

Code: spkg149
This natural color purplish pink sapphire gem weighs 2.24 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 8.6mm x 6.7mm x 4.5mm deep
Shape: oval cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $2060.80
This unique natural purplish pink sapphire gem is well faceted in an oval cut with good brilliance from a natural color sapphire crystal with light to medium purplish pink (lavender) color. This unique purplish pink sapphire gem is unheated and untreated. This natural sapphire gem faces up eye clean, with very faint natural inclusions visible under under close inspection (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: eye-clean).
Our miner's price price for this natural color purplish pink sapphire gemstone is $920./carat x 2.24 carats = $2060.80

Natural Purplish Pink Sapphire Gemstone, 2.99 carats

Code: spkg150
This natural color purplish pink sapphire gem weighs 2.99 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 9.0mm x 7.4mm x 5.8mm deep
Shape: oval cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $3737.50
This unique natural medium tone bright purplish pink sapphire gem is very well faceted in an oval cut with good brilliance from a natural color sapphire crystal with medium purplish pink (bubble gum pink) color. This unique purplish pink sapphire gem is unheated and untreated. This natural sapphire gem faces up eye clean, with very faint unique orange colored natural inclusions visible under under close inspection with magnification (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: eye-clean).
Our miner's price price for this natural color purplish pink sapphire gemstone is $1250./carat x 2.99 carats = $3737.50

Natural Medium Pink Sapphire Gemstone 0.93carats

Code: spkg151
This natural pink sapphire gem weighs 0.93 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 6.3mm x 4.0mm
Shape: oval cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $418.50
This bright natural pink sapphire gem is well faceted in an oval cut with good brilliance from a natural color sapphire crystal with medium pink color. This nice pink sapphire gem appears to be low heat treated. This otherwise natural sapphire gem faces up eye clean, with very faint natural inclusions visible under under close inspection (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: L-I).
Our miner's price price for this natural pink sapphire gemstone is $450./carat x 0.93 carats = $418.50

GIA Certified Natural Color Pink Sapphire Gemstone, 2.12carats

Code: spkg152
This natural color medium deep pink sapphire gem weighs 2.12 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 7.67mm x 8.14mm x 3.96mm deep
Shape:pear cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $4028.00
This unique natural medium deep tone bright pink sapphire gem is well faceted in a pear shaped cut with good brilliance from a natural color sapphire crystal with medium deep (4/4) pink color, that was mined in Sri Lanka. This unique pink sapphire gem is unheated and untreated, with a GIA Certificate verifying its natural color. This natural sapphire gem faces up eye clean, with very faint natural inclusions visible under under close inspection with magnification (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: eye-clean). This gem could also be set in a piece of jewelry as a cleft less heart shape. See another view showing it as a possible heart shape pink sapphire gemstone. Our miner's price price for this natural color pink sapphire gemstone is $1900./carat x 2.12 carats = $4028.00

GIA Certified Natural Color Pink Sapphire Gemstone, 2.08 carats

Code: spkg153
This natural color medium tone pink sapphire gem weighs 2.08 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 7.50mm x 7.52mm x 5.14mm deep
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $4368.00
This unique natural color medium deep tone "Hot" pink sapphire gem is well faceted in a triangular shaped cut with very good brilliance from a natural color sapphire crystal with medium deep (4/4) pink color, that was mined in Sri Lanka. This unique pink sapphire gem is unheated and untreated, with a GIA Certificate. This natural sapphire gem faces up completely eye clean, with very faint natural inclusions visible only under under close inspection with magnification (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: eye-clean). This gem could also be set in a piece of jewelry or kept as an investment gem. See another view of this pink sapphire gemstone. Our miner's price price for this natural color pink sapphire gemstone is $2100./carat x 2.08 carats = $4368.00

GIA Certified Natural Color Purplish Pink Sapphire Gemstone, 1.45 carats

Code: spkg154
This natural color deep tone pink sapphire gem weighs 1.45 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 7.24mm x 5.22mm x 4.71mm deep
Shape:oval cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $3045.00
This deep tone purplish pink sapphire gem (AKA a Ceylon Ruby) is well faceted in an oval shaped cut with very good brilliance from a natural purplish pink (5/5) color sapphire crystal that was mined in Sri Lanka. This unique pink sapphire gem is unheated and untreated, with a GIA Certicate. This natural sapphire gem faces up completely eye clean, with very faint natural inclusions visible only under under close inspection with magnification (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: eye-clean). This gem could also be set in a piece of jewelry or kept as an investment gem. See a sideview photo of this pink sapphire gemstone. Our miner's price price for this natural color deep pink sapphire gemstone is $2100./carat x 1.45 carats = $3045.00

GIA Certified Natural Color Deep Purple Pink Sapphire Gemstone 1.52carats

Code: spkg155
This natural color deep tone pink sapphire gem weighs 1.52 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 8.41mm x 5.72mm x 3.43mm deep
Shape:oval cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $3192.00
This unique natural deep tone purple pink sapphire gem (AKA a Ceylon Ruby) is well faceted in an oval shaped cut with very good brilliance from a natural purple pink (5/5) color sapphire crystal ,that was mined in Sri Lanka. This unique pink sapphire gem is unheated and untreated, with a GIA Certificate. This natural sapphire gem faces up nearly eye clean, with a very faint natural inclusion visible only under under close inspection with trained eye. (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: L I). This gem would look beautiful set in a piece of jewelry. See a side view photo of this natural color pink sapphire gemstone. Our miner's price price for this natural color deep pink sapphire gemstone is $2100./carat x 1.52 carats = $3192.00

Natural Medium Deep Tone Pink Sapphire Gemstone 0.75carats

Code: spkg156
This natural color medium deep tone pink sapphire gem weighs 0.75 carats
Sapphire Gemstone Dimensions: 6.2mm x 4.5mm x 3.0mm deep
Shape:oval cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $487.50
This unique natural medium tone very slightly purplish pink sapphire gem is well faceted in an oval shaped cut with very good brilliance from a natural pink (4/4) color sapphire crystal ,that was mined in Sri Lanka. This natural sapphire gem faces up eye clean, with very faint intact natural crystal inclusions visible only under under microscope inspection, how ever their is some evidence of possible low heat treatment. (GIA: Type II Gem, Clarity Grade: eye-clean). This gem would look beautiful set in a piece of jewelry. Our miner's price price for this medium deep pink sapphire gemstone is $650./carat x 0.75 carats = $487.50

Natural Color Purple Sapphire Gemstone, 1.20 carats

Code: spkg157
This natural color purple sapphire gemstone weighs exactly 1.20 carats
Purple Sapphire Gem Dimensions: 7.0mm x 5.5mm x 3.8mm deep
Shape: oval cut
Mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon)
Price: $1032.00
This natural purple sapphire gem is very well faceted in an oval cut with good brilliance from a natural color purple sapphire crystal that was mined in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). This purple sapphire gem is unheated and untreated. This genuine purple sapphire gemstone has medium-dark pinkish purple natural color under daylight (100% natural color). The color varies slightly depending on the type of light that the gem is viewed under from pinkish-purple under incandescent light as shown at left to mostly purple under reflected sunlight. See a reflected daylight view of this natural color purple sapphire gem. This natural sapphire gem is completely clean to the eye, even under under close inspection (GIA: Type II Gem, VVS).
Our miner's price price for this natural color purple sapphire gemstone is $860./carat x 1.20 carats = $1032.

Our Purple Sapphires & Pink Sapphire Gemstones are all Natural Sapphires!

Purple Sapphire Gemstones

See also our pages displaying genuine pink sapphire jewelry items including pink sapphire earrings and pink sapphire necklaces, and see also our genuine blue sapphire jewelry with a large selection of Ceylon sapphire jewelry items handcrafted in solid 14k gold designs with natural blue sapphire gemstones.

Our pink sapphires and purple sapphire gems were mined in Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

We specialize in natural color purple and pink sapphire gemstones that have not been heated or treated in any way!

We also offer a very large variety of other natural gemstones.

We have genuine Sapphire Gemstones available in all of the naturally occuring colors of sapphire.

Follow the links below to see more genuine sapphire gemstones.

Natural Sapphire Gemstones

See also our pages displaying black star sapphire necklaces, black star sapphire rings, and our selection of black star sapphire pendants.

To see more sapphire, padparadscha or ruby photos, just select any link shown below. To see photos of another mineral variety, select any link in our Mineral Inventory & Factsheet Index.

Natural Sapphire Varieties & Products (including Pink Sapphires) In Our Store
(Natural Corundums)

Pink Sapphire Gemstones

Each of our pink sapphire gems is a natural sapphire gemstone that was mined in either Ceylon, Burma, Vietnam, Africa or Madagascar. Here at, we do not have any lab-created sapphires, and we do not have any diffusion treated sapphires! We specialize in genuine pink sapphire gemstones. A few of our sapphires have been heated only, and their written description will indicate this.

Our pink sapphire jewelry items are set in solid 14k gold. We also have natural pink sapphire necklaces. We have a large selection of sizes and shapes available of 14k gold jewelry designs that were handcrafted into beautiful pink sapphire rings, pendants, and pink sapphire earrings. Be sure to see our genuine pink sapphire bead necklaces.

Sapphire Information

Information about genuine sapphire (corundum) and its history, physical properties, chemistry, occurance, and metaphysical uses is displayed on our sapphire information page.

Facts & Information

Genuine Pink Sapphire Items in our Online Sapphire Store

Pink Sapphire Gemstones

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We do have additional natural color pink sapphire gemstones in stock, so be sure to let us know if you have any special requests.

Please contact our webmaster or our 'site' geologist with any pink sapphire gemstone questions or comments.

Go up to the top of this page displaying natural pink sapphire gemstones:
GIA Certified Pink Sapphire Gemstones, purple sapphire gemstones and Unheated Pink Sapphire Gemstones

Last Updated: November 9, 2024
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